1.2 (some kind of smut)

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Katsuki POV,

it... it was deku.... the nerd he was all weird acting had black clothes on and his eyes where red in stead of beautiful green. i stared at him in disbelieve he smirked the others walked away and he walked to me. he pulled my chin up so i looked up at him i gulped. the sweet boy he was was gone thanks to my bullying.... owh i feel guilty no bakugou stop your a villian stop saying that.

Deku: hello kacchan missed me.

Katsuki: Deku this isnt you is this a joke please tell me!

Deku: owh kacchan calm down thanks to you i found the real me i am more powerfull then i was trying to be a hero breaking always a bone and now i didnt break anything.

Katsuki: Deku listen lets go home-

Deku: I AM HOME! this is my home kacchan...

Katsuki: what about your mom huh she needs you too Deku...

Deku: my mother has allmight and dont you dare to speak about her again.

Katsuki: come back for me deku....

Deku: awhh the little bully misses me i bet for the bullying. or should i say chrush.

Katsuki: h-how do you know

Deku: owh kacchan kacchan kacchan do you really think i wouldnt follow every move of yours im obsessed with you.

my eyes widen when he sayed that and i tried to break free no no no the nerd is going crazy he watched me every step i did. this isnt normal i gotta run away and tell almight who knows what he is gonna do to me. but i was to late he tight me up tighter i growled it out of the pain. it is so tight around my hands and feets. i wanna go i wanna be free. but before i knew deku his mouth was against me and kissed me deeply. i tried to pull away but he bited my lip to make me gasp and pushed his tongue in my mouth. i started to feel warm my thoughts where on us kissing i kissed back i couldnt hold it anymore. he wanted to pull away but i wanted to kiss more i heared him smirking and kissed me more. his lips are so soft... fuck he has me around his finger. then it became black again infront of my eyes my body felt heavy and before i knew i was gone in a deep sleep.

Deku POV,

i kissed kacchan deeply he didnt wanna work with me so i bited his lip and he gasped. i pushed my tongue inside his mouth and we maked out for a while. since he was so needy to be kissed i letted him. he is such a bottom cant wait to make him all mine my little spy telling me everything and in return he gets me. that was a good idea. i injected him with sleeping medication so he would sleep for a long good time. i putted his head on my lap and stroke it softly.

Deku: once you are awake you are all mine... my lil bottom begging for me... owh kacchan you have no idea how much i am thankfull you bullied me for those years and finally let me snap and be the real me. 

i softly stroke his hair and his cheek he was sleeping so peacefully i wanted to fuck him... wait what?! no no no deku stop thinking that first do the plan then you can have him like dabi sayed first killing allmight then you can rule the world and make kacchan your slave yes just keep thinking about that. i placed him in his own dorm again my phone number in his phone with a warning text and what i want of him. ofcourse still the old me i maked sure he was warm in bed and putted a old hoodie with some jeans for him ready so he could have something of me to remember me when he does what i say.

Katsuki POV,

i woke up with a pain in my head.. owh shoot this hurts man.... i holded my head and i was back in my dorm was this all a dream? did i wanna see deku this bad? i looked at the stuff. huh but i didnt put my clothes there and it was deku his old hoodie. i softly sniffed at it owh what did i miss him. i toke a long shower and putted on the clothes what was ready. i toke my phone and saw i had a text of deku i had to listen to him and give him all the information or they will my mother. she can be a bitch but i still love her though. so i sended a okay back nd a thank you of the clothes. we had a meeting so i walked to the room and sitted down waiting with the others for the teachers to come. i maked sure i had my camera on so i could film every word they sayed.i feel guilty that i had to do this but i dont wanna lose people i love.... once the meeting was over and how they are gonna look through every building to find the LOV i sended the video to deku. and got a replie back to come to my dorm. i sighed and did what i sayed but once i was infront of my dorm shitty hair walked up to me.

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