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katsuki POV,

i woke up i was all tight up and a collar around my neck to be sure i cant use my quirk. when i slowly woke up i started to panic i wanted to get out but i failed. i tried to kick the door but it was hard i couldnt break it. someone came in the room it was allmight and aizawa and they looked angry and dissapointed. they told me they knew i was working for deku and that i should have gone to them to say it. i growled and looked away how could i hurt my mate my lover only for being a stupid hero. deku maked my eyes go open maybe he was right and was the ua just using people to let them obey the allmighty. i kept my mouth shut and hoping that deku would help me and save me.... but all i could do was hoping...

deku POV,

it was finally evening i could go to my baby boy owhh i wanted to mate with him today he helped us really well so i maked sure i was all in black and nice in suit damn why do my muscles even show through my suit. well let it be my clothes will be off soon. but i noticed something kacchans room was dark and it was only 8 in the evening normally kacchan wont sleep till its 10 sometimes 10:30. i went to his room and saw it was all messed up things where destroyed his whole room was a mess. i started to panic did they found out about him helping me? would they hurt my baby boy? i gotta find him i gotta take him with me. i growled and never did i thought i would go and save kacchan again but he is mine and mine only he is my little pup. i walked around softly knowing people where around so i was as soft as possible. i heared someone talking about going to bring kacchan his food so i followed him. but with no succes he was already transfort to somewhere else. i growled under my breath and went back to the lov. toga was sad she liked bakugou as a lil brother dabi and shigaraki where mad they knew me and kacchan where a rare kind of mates. that rare we where the first one in about 60.000 years. they wanted to help me i didnt want them but since kacchan helped them so much i couldnt say no. they would have done it anyway. every night and everyday they kept a eye on the people at the ua trying to figure out where they all where going and what they did. everyday was a diverent day it was not as every day it was always something else going on. it was hard to figure out where he could be.

days and days passed i got more and more angry i had my lil pup his shirt and always kept it with me for good luck. everyday i worked out from morning till late in the evening. my quirk got slowly more and more powerful i had slowly more and more muscles. if i find out who hurted my lil pup or even touched him. i will nt hesitate and hurt the person and even kill it.i just found out only 3 people are allowed to go to kacchan. but we dont know who it is yet. but what we do know is he is getting weak since he wont eat anything what they gived him. i cant use my thoughts to talk with him it must be a stupid colar to not let him use anything. i was making some lunch when they told me atleast one of the people is midnight who can see him. they followed her and found him dabi went in the room and talked with kacchan telling him he has to eat. evento he didnt trust it he has to. he nodded and only did it for me. dabi did do make sure kacchan kept on the colar but can use his quirk when we will get him out of there but for now to many guards and heros where there to walk around they knew we would get him outta there.

its been 3 month since we lost kacchan and started his rescue. today we would get him out there and get him finally here with us. we planned everything perfect first kidnap mignight let toga drink her blood and let toga go to kacchan. when toga give the signal we attack the ua so i could get kacchan and toga out of there. it was evening and the plan was going perfect toga was already by kacchan as i rushed to him. i grabbed them both we got to lov building by portals omg i finally have my baby boy. i kissed him and kissed him a lot. he was weak but he will be strong soon. once the fight was over we knew we needed a new hide out so we started to move using underground building. me and kacchan couldnt really enjoy that we are back by each other but when we where moved i holded him.

but little did we knew one of our people would betray us badly. and who knows what happends then.

hey guys maker here sorry for a short story and a long time waiting exams are here and i will be learning a lot i will try to make a post once a week please respect sometimes it could be two weeks between the storys and the story will be more detailed once i am back next week. love ya guys!<3

words used: 957

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