Rockland and Mt. Seifu

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Upon reaching Rockland, the party makes their way inside the largest building in the town, a mansion that belongs to the military commander of Rockland, Grady.

Guard: "Hey, who are you fellows? This is Master Grady's mansion. You're not allowed in here. What do you want?"

Kanaan: "What did you say?! I'm Kanaan, assistant to Imperial Guard Commander Kraze! Tell Grady to get out here!"

Guard: "What! Y-yes sir, right away. Please wait a moment." The guard enters Grady's office.

Kanaan and the others enter to meet Grady.

Grady: "What is it? Those villagers come to complain again? Get them out of here."

Guard: "No sir. They say they're the Imperial Guard."

Grady: "Whatever they are, I'm busy! Hurry up and...What? Imperial Guard? Did you say Imperial Guard? Why didn't you tell me sooner, you fool! "

Grady leaves his office to meet with Kanaan.

Grady: "Welcome, welcome, members of the Imperial Guard. What brings you to this poor country town? Please come in."

The groups following Grady to his office.

Kanaan: "Humph. Looks like you're doing very well here."

Grady: "Oh no, not at all, sir."

Kanaan: "Forget it. You know why we're here, don't you?"

Grady: "Indeed, sir. About the taxes, right? We've been troubled about that too. You see, some bandits have settled on nearby Mt. Seifu, and have been pillaging the local villages. That's why we've been unable to collect taxes and deliver them to you. But I'm glad there's nothing to be worried about now."

Kanaan: "What do you mean by that?"

Grady: "I speak, of course, of your arrival. The arrival of the courageous National Guard. Getting rid of country bandits should be an easy task for you. You're not afraid of them, I'm sure."

Kanaan: "Ho ho! Of course not. Hmmm, bandits, eh? Ummm...well. We should be okay. We'll crush them like flies. Ho ho ho!"

Cleo: "That's ridiculous. Our mission is to..."

Pahn: "Ha ha! I can't wait. I've been waiting for a good fight."

Ted: "Me too. Let's teach the bandits a lesson. Right, Tir?"

Tir: "We should return home first. draw up plans and make preparations."

Kanaan: "What? I'm the leader of this party, and I say we go fight. Just shut up and follow me, you cowards."

Tir: "Whatever." While patting his forehead.

Gremio: "Young Master, we mustn't."

Tir: "There is no other choice."

Cleo: "Boys will be boys."

Kanaan: "Fine, let's get going. Don't fall back now."

Gremio: "I'm glad of your decision, but do you know where Mt. Seifu is?"

Kanaan: "Sh-shut up. I was just about to ask you."

Grady: "Mt. Seifu is east of Rockland."

Kanaan: "Fine. Now let's go!"

And they travel to Mt. Seifu. Enough distance that they decided to spend the night on the trip.

Cleo: "My feet hurt, like killing me."

Pahn: "I am very hungry."

Ted: "Are we going to have more dried meat for dinner?"

Kanaan: "You idiots and amateurs, let's spend the night here. You kid McDohl get firewood and you Pahn go hunting, and the others go collect something to find for dinner. I'll be waiting here."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 28, 2021 ⏰

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