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Arcani Seis Keons Pasadena, California

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Arcani Seis Keons
Pasadena, California

i had work today so i woke up at 7:30

"bubba you still on the phone" i asked since me and kari fell asleep on facetime last night

he didn't say anything so i guessed he was still sleep and i hung up and got dressed

after i got dressed kari called me back

"why you hang up" he asked

"cause you were sleep and i'm finna go to work" i said as i walked out the door and got in my car


"yes bubba"

"i love you"

"i love you to"

i drove to the hospital and put my airpods in since he wants to be on the phone

once i walked in i grabbed my clipboard and started rounds

at lunch i ate some mac donald's then got back to work

after work i called kari because he said he had something to do but he didn't answer so i just drove home

when i got home i took a shower put on some shorts and a bra and laid down and went to sleep

i heard banging on my door so i checked my phone and it was 3am

i went and looked through my peep hole and saw kari

"bro it's 3 alcock in the morning what do you want"

"gimme hug mamas" he walked over and hugged me

"bro you smell like liquor and some bitch that wear cheap ass perfume" he smacked his lips

"i don't smell like no bitch" he continued to walk in my apartment

"yes you do yukari"

"you not even my girl so why you tripping" he's right i'm not his girl but he be fucking me raw and telling me he love me

"exactly i'm not your girl so get out"

"i didn't even mean it like that"

"i don't care how you meant it don't go fuck some bitch then think you finna be laid up with me" i crossed my arms

"ok mamas" he started walking out the door

"don't call me that my name is arcani to you" he turned around and grabbed my neck

"i know you mad or whatever but don't forget you'll always be my mamas and don't give my pussy up" he said

"nigga this not yo pussy anymore you lost it when you fucked some bitch" i scoffed

"naw this gone always be my pussy shawty" he gripped it and my dumbass moaned

"see that's how i know it's mine cause i got that effect on you" he smirked

"bye yukari" i closed the door and walked back in my room

then i blocked him on everything

nigga got me fucked up thinking he gone try to play me

must not know who i am

i just went back to sleep because he really pissed me off

the next morning i woke up and ordered some food then got ready for my doctors appointment i set last week cause i haven't been feeling good

my food came in the middle of me doing my hair so i got it and started fucking that shit up then continued to do my hair

after i finished my hair i walked out the door and drove to the doctors office

once i got there i walked in and told the lady i'm here for my appointment

she took me to the room and then the doctor came

"hello ms.keons how are you"

"good and yourself"

"great my name is ms.johnson and what's seems to be the problem"

"i'm just been feeling a little sick that's all"

"ok well can we take your blood to see what's wrong"

"yes ma'am" she took my blood then walked out the room

then someone started calling me


"stink stink"

"bro who phone are you calling me of off"

"don't worry about it why you block me"

"cause you ain't shit"

"debatable" this nigga get on my nerves

"bye yukari"

"stop calling me that"

"ain't that yo name"

"not to you"

"ok yukari bye" i hung up and blocked that number to

the doctor walked back in

"so ms.keons it turns out your pregnant"

bitch i was dumbfounded

"like there's a child inside me"

"yes ma'am do you wanna see the baby"

"umm yes"

she started showing me the baby

once heard the heartbeat and started crying

"you are 3 months pregnant"


"you are done just go to the front to get your vitamins and set up your next doctors appointment"


after i did that i just went back home and laid in my bed and just thought about how my life changed in months then eventually fell asleep

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