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Arcani Seis Keons Pasadena, California

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Arcani Seis Keons
Pasadena, California

i'm nine months now and it's 3 days before my due date

kari and i only talk about the baby he try's to come see me and stuff but i don't wanna see him yet

i started talking to zel girl tamia since i need someone to talk to

she's cool for the most part she says that kari comes to kaden house looking all sad

sucks for him

i'm putting up some stuff i bought for cartier and other than that i just been getting ready for my baby to come

i was walking to the kitchen when my damn water broke

i called kari the first time he didn't answer i called him again and he answered

"hello" he groaned

"yea i'm finna go into labor"

"oh shit you want me to come get you"

"yea please"

"ok shawty imma need you to go"

"what you mean k" i hung up because i did not wanna hear him kick that girl out

i wobbled to my room to get the baby bag and hospital bag and changed my pants

"mama" kari yelled

"get the bags i'll go to the car" he nodded

i walked to the car and kari was right behind me

when we got in the car i got in my phone because i didn't feel like listening to him talk



"how have you been"

"great and you"

"good i missed you"

"i bet you did" he pulled up to the hospital

we got out the car and walked in

"her water broke" kari told the front desk lady

"hey k is this your sister" the front desk lady said batting her eyelashes

"oh my god who did you not fuck yukari" i yelled at him

"look shawty the mother of my child is finna have my son so can you shut the fuck up and get a doctor" she called someone

"go straight to room 105" we walked towards the room i got in the bed and kari sat in the chair 

a nurse walked in

"hello i'm gonna put in a iv and a doctor is gonna come in to see how dilated you are and are you doing the epidural"

"i am doing the epidural"

"ok" she put the iv in my arm then handed me a gown to put on

"kari help me" we walked to the bathroom

he took off my pants and i pulled off my shirt then he put the gown over my head

"thank you" we walked out the bathroom and i got back in bed

soon the doctor came in

"hello ms. keons"


"put your legs up so i can see how dilated you are" i put my legs up

"you are 6cm dilated so you'll be in labor in about 2 and a half hours" i put my legs back down


"sit up so i can put the epidural in" i sat up and she put it in

"that's all i'll be back every hours to see how dilated you are" i nodded

she walked out and i got on my phone to past the time




"yes yukari what would you like"

"i can't believe we're finna have our son"

"i know" i got back on my phone

"do you really hate me that much where you can't even talk to me longer than one sentence"

"i don't hate you i could never hate you but you keep hurting me"

"i'm sorry ok i know i really messed up"

"you keep saying sorry but do the same thing"

"i'm gonna try to be better for you just don't give up on me yet"

"call your grandma she wanted to know when i was about to go into labor"


"and i think you should stay at my house for like a month so we can bond with cartier as a family before we split time with him"

"ok that's fine" i got back on my phone

"you know i love you right" he told me

"yeah kari i know"

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