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Messing up is a huge part of growing. That of course doesn't make a mistake any easier to deal with, but it certainly makes it better in the end. When we're in the middle of dealing with the repercussions of our mistakes, it's hard to realize what could come out of it other than more mistakes and failure. Hell, I'm writing this in the midst of a mistake. But for me, I just embrace it at first. I feel that letting it swallow you isn't good, but hiding it isn't either. 

A distraction is a great next step to allow yourself to get out of whatever mess you've gotten into. For me personally, I find that writing is the best way to get out a lot of different emotions. I'm not a very good writer, nor is writing my favorite hobby, but I find that it is the most effective, and that's what I strive for everyone dealing with something similar to find. 

One of my biggest and most favorite hobbies is playing video games, but I know that it will only distract me and not let me grow as a person. Writing, on the other hand, helps ease me into, not only embracing a mistake but finding a resolution to it.

One of the things I realize is that apologies are sometimes the worst. It's really difficult to admit guilt, no matter who you are. Having to explain how you were the sole reason for the grief and misery of yourself and others without trying to provide an excuse or pushing it away is tough. Embracing it head-on is hard. It's extremely hard. But, we can't expect to find closure if we don't first accept what we've done as being completely and honestly true. Sometimes that closure doesn't seem worth it enough to go through each step. What's worse is that nothing will be the same afterward. It's a hard fact to believe, and many of us wish this wasn't the case. I wish this wasn't the case, but no higher power, science, or anything else will ever make it so that we can take what has happened back. Some would be willing to give everything away to get something back. But time refuses to work in that way, and the longer we spending hoping things will return to the way they are, instead of dealing with what's ahead of us will cause us to miss out on a lot more than what we want back.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19, 2021 ⏰

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