Chapter three

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Error's Pov 

I followed Fresh back to the mansion his words still ringing fresh in my mind. We were missing someone. He was family yet it didn't make sense. Wouldn't things change noticeably if he was so important to us?   I pushed those questions away as I felt the pain of the balance being tipped. I thought I destroyed enough universes to give me a week long break. Ink just tipped it with one universe, however. What was so big that it took so much space?

"Fresh, why don't you go tell the others. I need to go do my job and I promise to come there as soon as I can." I promised and opened a portal. Fresh looked hesitated but nodded and continued on his way. I was sure it couldn't be anything too bad. Maybe it was a more detailed copy of the original? 

As I walked into the new area though I was surprised to see a completely new universe. It already different from all the other universes I usually find myself in. I found in an empty judgement hall or what I could only assume was the judgement hall. It was empty and barren, almost completely destroyed. I went to explore the place and found the rest of the underground in the same condition barren and destroyed. There were something dripping from the ceiling, but I couldn't figure out what and the entire trip I felt someone was watching me. 

Then I heard the crying. It was in the wrecked lab or maybe below it? I took one last look around the lab when I spotted something, a single picture. I picked it up and inspected it and found in big words on the back, 'The best family.' It was of what looked to be Sci, Papyrus and Gaster. I felt a sinking feeling in my gut. What if they were all dead? Could a genocide route happen this early? It wouldn't cause this though so what did Ink create? I turned to the door leading into the True Lab. The only thing I could do is end this person's misery and get this over with. 

I teleport down into the lab after finding the elevator out of service and found darkness. I could still hear the crying further in and to my worries it was Sci. He was alone, wasn't he? 

I got closer to the door and opened it to find Sci standing at a table with two containers with monster souls. I could see the determination in each of them, yet it seemed to have almost no effect, different from what happened to the monsters Alpyus did it on.  The moment I stepped forward Sci turned to face me, and I could see the clear blue tears running down his face. I barely got a moment to register what he was mouthing before I got hit in the skull with something and everything went dark. 

Outer's pov

I waited in the meeting room anxious. What if it worked? What would Ink end up doing then. If he tried to stop Error from destroying by throwing him in the void again then it would tip the balance. I paused at that, again. I said again but I couldn't remember anything like that happening. Something was wrong. 

Before I could dwell on it any longer the door opened with Reaper carrying Error and both Sci and Ink followed behind him. The plan worked. Error took pity and fell for the trap. I could only hope that Ink wouldn't do anything too bad. Reaper handed Error to Dream, and they disappeared out the door again. 

"Why couldn't we just kill him? I mean you asked for us to capture him, but you never told us why we are leaving him alive." It was Fell that spoke. I hated to admit it, but he was right. Why did Ink just capture him? It's not like him. Ink walked to the front of the room, and he looked bored, almost. 

"We can't because he is unkillable. Not even the void could kill him. The most we can do is cage him up as long as we can until we find a permanent solution." Ink explained. It grew quiet and tense. No one spoke but I could tell there were many others who had questions. How did Ink know the void didn't work and how were we certain Error was unkillable?  I was the first to stand up and leave. The moment I exited the room I waited. Sci would surely follow. Just a few moments later Sci came out of the room. He looked worried of course who wouldn't be right now?

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