Chapter 1

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At the beginning of time there was nothing but six creatures. The first was Fate. Destiny was next. The twins of judgement The next was Time and the last two were Karma and Choice,twins. Fate saw how empty the void of white seemed. He turned towards the others. He had a plan. "What if we make something?" With that the first Universe was created containing elements of all of the gods there. With amazement they watched the universe progress. Soon Fate got bored though. Watching the human making the same choices over and over again. He turned against the others who warned him not to create someone too powerful. He made his child Ink. With the able to create and whispered the rules to his creation. And with that the multiverse flourished. But Fate soon learned Ink had no soul. No way to be happy. Once the others found out they wanted to make someone of their own. They knew what to do and to avoid making the same mistake as Fate. The first to create a child was the twins of judgement. The twins of judgement made the twins Nightmare and Dream with the tree. They vowed that their creations would be the best of friends like them and that they could not kill each other, However Fate saw this, and it made her feel jealous. Why should they have what her child cannot? So, she stepped in and pushed Nightmare little by little until he broke. The twins of judgement didn't suspect anything.

They wept for their children. Destiny was second to create a child. She tried to make an au filled with positivity. The sans there was called Fallacy. Instead of creating a papyrus as his brother he made another Sans his brother in fact he made two. Fallacy was the oldest. The second was named Fatal, and the third was named Endure. In the end Time made a child too. However, Choice was reluctant. They were worried what would happen. Time created an au. Reapertale. The beginning and the end of someone's time. As time went on it seemed nothing could go wrong. Until the aus started colliding. The aus the gods created were protected until Fate intervened. She attacked Destinys au and stole Fallacy. The au crumbled and the other two nearly got left behind. Destiny wept and held the two close. How could fate do this? She placed the two in separate aus as her child was gone. She never had any idea where Fallacy went. They got renamed and their memories wiped so now no-one remembers Fallacy. It pained her to do so but it hurt more when she saw her creations crying over their loss. Yet she never gave up.

Time went to Reapertale in a hurry after the attack and started guarding it. Choice went to help. Forever with that Time stayed in Reapertale only coming out once or twice and Eventually Choice disappeared. Destiny became Fate's servant trapped by the fact that Fallacy's destiny couldn't be changed while Fate was around. And with that the destructor was created.

Error's pov 

I stared down at the ruins of everything. He hadn't shown up. I couldn't help but wonder what happened to him. Maybe he planned to ambush me later. One thing I knew for sure was that I wouldn't escape whatever he was planning unharmed. All I wanted to do was protect the multiverse so what did I do to deserve this? My body ached as I pulled the strings tighter until it shattered. The code destroyed within seconds. It was time to go yet my body didn't want to move. I knew it wasn't possible to die this way. It was quiet though. I knew the moment I stepped into the anti-void the voices would begin. There would be no silence until I finished what I started. I couldn't force myself to continue though. My body ached with each movement I did and all I craved was to stay in the endless darkness and be at rest. Then another pain. It was quick but worse like a needle piercing my body. I opened a portal to the new location. If I didn't keep up then this would all be for nothing. Just a few more I tried to convince myself as I walked through. 

I was relieved yet worried when I saw how empty it was. The buildings were still here. It was almost an exact copy of the original except there were monsters. There wasn't even dust which ruled the genocide route. I pulled out the code but when I went to inspect it an arrow pierced my hand. "This is the end Error." I heard Ink say. I turned not letting the pain bother me. It hurt and the little bit of positivity I had was drained. I pulled the arrow out and dropped it. I didn't have the energy to respond at the moment. I stared blankly at Ink. It only seemed to annoy him. I knew he could never truly be annoyed though after all he's soulless. Ink stood straight and gave some short of signal. Then hundreds of Sans and Papyrus's appeared out of the buildings and forest. I saw a few were missing. Blue, Lust, Sci and Geno were all missing. I couldn't help but wonder where they went? Outer and Fresh were here, however. 

"Either you surrender, or this will be the end of you." Ink said his face seemed void of expression at first. Dream was next to him. He had to be the one that shot me. I simply shook my head. My voice wouldn't come. No matter how hard I tried to speak nothing would come out. Ink made another signal. I didn't recognize it at all, and it seemed to be a go sign as everyone started fighting. The only way I can describe it is chaos. I heard a portal open behind me as I fended off Death who swung his scythe at me over and over ready for an opening. The moment I got hit by it everything would be over, so he was my main concern. One thing I noticed was that all their attacks were aimed at my front. They were pushing me back and I couldn't even check behind me for fear of something happening. Then finally I lost my footing and fell back. "It worked! Close it!" I heard someone yell. Only then did I realize the darkness of where I was. Only then did I realize they backed me up into the void. The portal shut and I was left alone. 

Then it happened, 'Multiverse Reset'

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