Chapter four

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Error's pov 

I stared around the empty cell trying to understand how I was caught. I should have felt their souls nearby but there was nothing. The only soul I felt was Sci's. I tried to shake him from my mind. He seemed so panicked when he saw I actually came. It was too late now. I looked at the door hearing footsteps seconds later. I tried to conceal the fact I was shaking because here I could do nothing. Here I was at their mercy. It was like being trapped in the void alone and with no one to talk to. No one to care. It was crueler then anything. 

Then the door opened and I was surprised to find Dream at the door. He walked in and sat across from me after closing the door. I didn't hear it lock though which meant I could try and escape. There was silence for a few moments before I felt the positivity. He was trying to force me to be positive and my soul wasn't rejecting it like it usually does. "So you aren't him. If you were him then you would flinched and tried to get away. After what I did you wouldn't accept positivity even if it killed him. Do you remember anything before? Before the multiverse reset? This is the first reset I can't remember. Usually all the multiverse resets I remember but now? Ink is acting different. You aren't who I thought which means he's still missing. Reaper isn't his flirty self and everything is screwed up. I'm a god so I should remember. At the very least you or Ink should have answers but Ink is different." Dream explained. His expression was confused and unsure. I couldn't tell what he was thinking. 

It made me think of what Fresh said. We were missing someone vital to us. It was starting to be noticed a lot more now so what changed? Something had to have changed unless my memories were changed. The farthest I could remember back was..... When was it? I tried to remember when I came to be this way yet nothing came up. I looked up at Dream again not even realizing I wasn't looking at him anymore. He had withdrawn the positivity. "I don't know. I just know I'm Error, forced destructor and I'm missing my brother. I have a second brother. " I explained and Dream seemed to grow confused. He snapped his fingers and a journal appeared in his hands.

"Does the name Destiny mean anything to you?" Dream asked.

Fallacy's pov 

I stared across the empty void at the journal in front of me. I was waiting for some sign. I  was supposed to be back by now. They had tried to kill me to get to my brother but Destiny saved me and now I was supposed to go back and help them again. I was supposed to leave my life here soon. I could only question why after weeks of being here Destiny would want me to return. They tried hard to remove me from there and to suddenly want me back? It was strange. No message came though and I knew I couldn't stay in the anti-void forever. I stood up pocketing the journal and teleport back into the universe. The empty house greeted me, reminding me of what I was missing. I checked the time and saw it was time to go already. This was so much like my old life, not the one Fate gave me but my original universe. My memories before had been scrambled now though after what Destiny did? They were clearer then ever. I hid the journal once more beneath the couch. No matter what the others living here couldn't know I was from a different multiverse. At least not yet. I couldn't do it without Destiny or one of the other gods giving me permission. It could screw with the entire multiverse if I revealed it. 

With that done I created a portal and walked through into Paint's meeting room. It seemed almost everyone was gathered. I sat down beside Blue and next to Lust. I heard the door open and looked over seeing my counterpart here with his brothers. "Hey Geno, Fresh and Error. Glad you guys could make it. Sit down. It seems everyone is here except for Sci of course and Alter. Sci is working on a project and he will need help. Alter is watching the kids." Paint said and went to the front smiling. The three went to sit down. This multiverse was weird in that way.  Ink knew about the balance here and kept it balanced out. He also ended up having multiple kids and was currently with Error. Not to mention Geno was with Reaper and Reaper wanted a kid. After everyone was seated Paint began. "The universes are in danger because of an outside force. Nightmare believes he has found the source as to why there is so many universes collapsing." Paint walked over to the side and stood there as Nightmare went to the front. 

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