if i lost you - blake

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y/n pov
Before i could react, I heard a loud noise and felt my head hit the glass. My whole body was aching and it was hard to resist my eyelids closing. "Stay awake, stay awake, stay awake" I kept telling myself, but there was no use. The last thing I heard was the ambulance's sirens, and then I drifted into sweet darkness.

blakes pov
Me and the boys have just recorded a great take. We walked out of the studio for a quick break, when I heard my phone ringing. I looked at caller id. It was y/n. I suddenly felt anxiety creeping in. She knew not to call me when I was at my work, and I knew not to call her at hers. If she called, it must have been serious.
"Blake, what's going on?" I heard Reece asking me. The boys must have noticed something's wrong.
"It's y/n. She wouldn't have called if it wasn't serious" I quickly explained and picked up the phone.
"Hi bubs, everything's ok?" I asked, trying not to think about the worst.
"Good morning, is this Blake Richardson?" I heard an unfamiliar male voice on the phone and my heart dropped.
"Yes, it's me" I answered, my voice shaking. At this point the worst scenarios were going through my head.
"Y/n y/l/n was in a car accident and she's in hospital now. We found her phone and you were the first on her emergency contact list, so I guess you might wanna know" My eyes filled with tears and I nearly dropped the phone due to my shaking hands.
"How bad is she?" I asked, trying to keep my voice steady. I felt Reece and George's reassuring touch on my back. I guess they've heard what the guy on the phone was saying.
"She's steady. She's unconcious now, but she should wake up in few hours"
So she's not dying. She's alive. Thank god.
"Thank you," I said "I'll be there soon." I hung up.

"I have to go, tell the crew it was an emergency."
"You don't think you're gonna be driving in this mental state Blake, do you? I'm not letting you." George said, taking his car keys. "I'll be driving."
We rushed to his car and then to the hospital. The ten minute drive felt like ages. I was sat in the passenger seat with my head in my hands, shaking all the time.
"She's gonna be fine Blake, she's strong. And you heard the guy. She's steady. She's gonna wake up." George spoke to me in a soft voice.

We arrived at the hospital. I ran inside and asked some lady about the room y/n was in. She gave me directions and I rushed to my girlfriend.

When I opened the door and looked at her, my heart stopped. Her face, as well as the rest of her body, was pale and bruised. Her upper right arm was covered in a white bandage, and she had a cast on her wrist. The hem of her shirt was lifted a bit, revealing dark bruises on her stomach.
I took comfort in steady beeping of the heart monitor reminding me that she's alive.
I sat on the chair next to her bed and gently took her hand in mine, careful not to cause her any pain.
"Oh god, baby. You look terrible" I sighed. "I mean, you look beautiful but..." I teared up a bit. "I can't imagine how that must have hurt, I wish I could be the one feeling that pain so you wouldn't have to".
It just broke my heart to see her like that. I only wanted her to wake up and tell me she's alright.

I think I was sitting with her for about an hour, stroking her hand with my thumb and whispering quiet "I love you's" every once in a while, when I saw her eyes flutter open.
"Hi Blakey" she said, her voice quiet and raspy.
"Oh my god y/n, you're awake. Thank god. You gave me quite a scare" I placed a kiss to her hand. "How are you feeling?"
"Good I guess. As good as a person could feel after a car accident" She sighed.
"Do you need anything? Water, food maybe?" I asked her. "Are you in much pain? Should I ask the nurse to give you more meds?"
"Chill baby. I'm fine." She smiled softly. "I mean, of course i'm in a bit of pain but I can manage."

I felt my eyes fill with tears again. I didn't wanna cry in front of y/n so i tried blinking them away, but she already noticed.
"Hey, hey. Don't cry. I'm here, I'll be okay." she cooed.
"But what if it ended much worse? What if you..." I broke down before I could finish my sentence.
"I just can't- I can't help thinking that I could have- I could have-" I was choking on my tears and it was hard to bring myself to say what I wanted to say. "I could have never see you again. I could have lost you."
She looked at me tenderly.
"But you didn't. I'm okay and you're here with me now. I'll be completely fine before you notice."

She moved over a bit on the bed and nodded towards the empty space next to her, suggesting me to lie next to her.
"Come here babe. I think we both could use some cuddles" she giggled.
"But what if I hurt you? I don't wanna, I don't know, kick you accidentally"
"Oh shut up! Just come here. I need you" she pouted and I couldn't resist her. I placed myself on the bed carefully, softly placing my hand around y/n's body.
"Is that ok? Am I not hurting you?" I asked concerned.
"It's perfect." She mumbled burying her face in my chest. Soon enough I felt her breathing even and slow down, meaning she's asleep.
"Sleep well baby, you need to rest" I whispered and kissed her head. "I promise I'm not gonna leave your side till you recover completely."

well i finally finished it as it's been sitting in my drafts for quite a while and i kinda like how it turned out. it's another slightly overdramatic story but i promise the next one is gonna be soft & fluffy!

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