Is she dating anyone?

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You said goodbye to your friend as you went to your class Oliver caught up with your friend as she was walking to her next class.

"Y/f/n!" Oliver called out to her as he caught up to her now walking beside her.

"Oliver wood?" She asked confused.

"Hey sorry to bother you but I had a quick question...Y/n... is she dating anyone?" Oliver asked her surprisingly calm.

"No why?" She asked cluelessly before realizing.


"Oh my gosh! YOU LIKE Y/N!" She squealed with excitement.

"Shhh yeah I like her I really like her but you can't tell her yet," He says quieting y/f/n down.

"Ok ok don't worry I won't when are you gonna tell her?" She says still super excited but quiet.

"I don't know yet," Oliver says back confused about what he should do.

"You should do it soon don't even worry about getting rejected it happens to everyone," She says making Oliver more nervous.

"Gee thanks for the great pep talk," Oliver says sarcastically.

"Oh.. Sorry I mean don't even worry about it I'm almost positive she is going to say yes you got this!" She says trying to make Oliver more confident.

"Thanks," Oliver says

"I got to go to class now but I wouldn't wait forever to do it," Y/f/n says as she walks into her class.

After their last classes, you and y/f/n met in the courtyard and sat in one of the stone arches.

"Y/f/n why are you acting so weird today? Like your always hyper and bubbly but today it's different" You say laughing a little with confusion.

"What do you mean I don't think I'm acting weird," She says trying to act as normal as possible.

She then looks like she has seen a ghost.

"Y/f/n what is up with you?" You ask even more confused as you look to her than behind you to where she was looking all you saw was just people.

"Nothing uhm I promise," She says as she sees that Oliver wood is approaching you.

"Hey y/n and y/f/n," Oliver says as he approached you.

"Hi Oliver," you say before y/f/n shortly after respond with "Hey".

"So I came over here because I wanted to see if you were busy on Friday?" He asked as casually as he could.

"No, I'm not," You say already knowing where this is going and you're trying hard to play it cool. meanwhile, your friend next to you is acting like the one who is getting asked ou more than you are in which you and Oliver found funny.

"Do you wanna maybe do something together Friday?" He asks a little more nervous.

"Like a date y/n" Your friend adds excitedly. you and liver laugh as she squeezed your arm.

"Sure! sound like fun" You respond still trying to play it cool.

"Awesome! I'll talk to you later" Oliver says looking a lot more relaxed and happy.

Your friend is literally like a little puppy excited to see its owner.

"OH MY GOSH! Y/N! OLIVER WOOD JUST ASKED YOU OUT!" She says again super excited.

"Yes y/f/n I know I was there," You say laughing.

"Don't worry I will help with everything this is so excited I can't wait" She says

This was inspired that one tik tok sound.

Oliver wood imagine'sWhere stories live. Discover now