the battle of Hogwarts

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It's your last year at Hogwarts, your boyfriend well now ex boyfriend Oliver graduated a year before you, you both had been dating since your third year but broke up not because you didn't love each other anymore you both still deeply loved each other but you agreed it would be best to go your separate ways long distance was too hard you tried it for awhile but Oliver got so busy and as did you it was better to let each other be free.

It was the day of the battle this was the saddest thing you could ever witness the place you call your home seeing the ones you love die right in front of you, everything was just being destroyed yours with the crowd shooting spells like crazy killing as many death eaters as you could, All the sudden  your wand was cast out of your hand.

"Ow! Shit" You started running to grab your wand on the ground but You were were swooped up from the ground you screamed not knowing who it was you were thrown on the back of a broom you looked to see who this person was. You saw the bright red light come from the wand from the death eater that was just about to kill you.

"Oliver?" You said not sure if you were seeing him clearly.

"Hey there princess," He says quickly looking back at you shooting you a smile then flying down quickly grabbing your wand off the ground before flying somewhere else.

"what are you doing here?" You ask even though it was a dumb question

"Why else would I be here to fight of course, are you alright?" He asks looking back once again

"Yeah I'm fine thanks for the save but I could have handled it" You say

"Oh Y/N still so stubborn as always but if it weren't for me you would be dead I killed the bloody death eater right before he killed ya but I'm sure you had it" He says sarcastically.

"Okay so maybe I didn't have it" You say rolling you eyes

"You stick with me for now" He says

"Okay...Thank you again" You agree.

"Anytime" He says.

"You look good" He says after a few quiet seconds

"What?... oh thank do you" You say that caught you off guard

he smirk and lets out a little chuckle

"You got a new boy friend yet" He says flying through the air both of you casting spells toward death eaters.

"Really?! You think now is the time to ask that.. while we are literally in  war" You say sarcastically.

"Thought why not catch up while we are still alive" He says

"Well if you must know no I do not" You say

He grows a little smile on his face

"Do you have a girlfriend?" You ask

"No I don't why do you care Y/n you still got feelings for me?" He says teasing you

"Why would you put me in that situation" You smiling and kind of laughing

"What situation did I put you in? It can't be any worse then the one we are in now" He says being sarcastic and knowing exactly the situation he put you in.

"You and your sarcasm honestly" You say 

He laughs 

"You and your stubbornness" He reply's  smiling


Endless scary sad hours went by but at last the battle had ended everyone standing not even knowing what they are seeing the greatest place they knew was ruined people you cared about dead Dumbledore dead Snape dead lupin and Tonks dead Fred one of your good friends dead you looked over his dead body as everyone was crying you started to cry you couldn't hold it in anymore you were tough but a human can only take so much pain before they break down. You felt arms wrap around it it was the Weasley's hugging you. after enjoying their warm hugs and comfort they let go then Oliver came and pulled you to hug you he kissed the top of your head while hugging you.

"I know it's hard Y/n but even though you can't believe it, it's all over things are gonna get better I promise" He says his chin is rested on top of your head his eyes are watery because he too is sad and broken about how his school and home was ruined and so many great people died.

"Things will never be the same here again" You say crying

"Nothing ever stays the same it's a bad change I know but it's done we can only hope for the best" He says after he release from the hug he holds your hands and looks into your sad watery eyes.

"Your right thank you" You say you had stopped yourself from crying taking deep breathes.

You both just stood lookin at each other for a few comfortable moments. You made the bold descision yourself and kissed him your cupped his cheek and kissed him for a short few seconds.

He looks at you in shock before kissing you again. You finally felt safe and happy.

"I love you" He says forwardly.

He had never said that before to you. Your realtionship was never like that.

"You have never said that to me before" You say shocked.

"I regret not saying it sooner" he says with a regretful look on his face

"I'm glad you didn't because it only made this moment better" You say with a smile on your face with a few light laughs.

He smiles at you. You kissed him again.

"I love you too" I say back after kissing him.

He smiles and wraps his arms around me hugging me tight.

a few quiet seconds pass

"....I think we should get married.....Will you marry me?" He says just out of nowhere pulling back from the hug when asking me. He held my hands and looked at me knowing exactly what he was doing.

"Really?" You ask in disbelief 

"Yes! I want to spend the rest of my life with you and ever since I left I haven't been able to stop thinking about you.. Y/n I need you in my life" He says

A small smile grows on your face.

"I would like that" You say a bigger smile grows on both of your faces he hugs you again tightly and kisses your lips.

from then on you have had the best life together Oliver was right it did get better Hogwarts was fixed and you became a professor there Oliver became a coach for quidditch at Hogwarts while also playing as a pro quidditch player your three children attended Hogwarts you and harry and Hermione, Ron and Ginny all became good friend again you and harry worked together at Hogwarts. 

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