1:31 AM

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        Allen laid awake in his bed, arms bent behind his head as he attempted to sleep. You had gone home earlier that day, but you hadn't texted him that you made it home safely. He assumed you were busy with work, taking care of the shipping emergency that had sprung up last night at the charity event. He couldn't sleep though. It wasn't the thought that you may not have made it home that kept him up. Well, it partially was the reason. The real reason was the fact that he never said what he wanted to while you were at his penthouse.

The kiss, no matter how brief it was, sparked something within him. Why did you kiss him? Did it mean anything? Did you only do it as a distraction for him? His thoughts were flooded with questions, and he had no answers for any of them. He felt complete in a way. He felt whole with the kiss. When you were changing, he was going to ask, but he chickened out at the last possible second. He felt like a coward for not speaking up, especially after everything the two of you have been through together the past year. It didn't feel like the right time to him. He didn't want you to see his confession as him wanting a booty call after having faced his antagonist.

The brunet growled to himself and turned onto his side. The bright digital numbers of his alarm clock read 1:17 AM. The screen of his phone lit up with yet another notification from one of his apps. Grabbing the hand held device, he turned the brightness of the screen down before looking at it to spare his eyes the initial burn. He opened the notification and scrolled through the news feed on his phone. Many articles were about his paintings from the auction and himself, not that it really mattered to him at the moment. A few minutes ticked by as he continued to scroll. His eyes flickered to the text message icon at the bottom of his screen, clicking on it. There was nothing new. Sucking in a deep breath, he clicked on your name and began typing.

Allen: Hey... Just wanted to make sure you made it home okay. Message me back when you can. [1:31 AM]

He clicked the button on the side of his phone to turn it to a black screen and rested it screen down on his chest, hands on top of it. He thought that maybe you did make it home but had fallen asleep upon arriving. The vibration against his chest startled him, the man having not expected a return message so soon.

(Y/n): Yeah! Sorry. I just got home from work not too long ago. Emergency meeting, you know? [1:33 AM]

Allen: Thank god. You had me worried. [1:33 AM]

(Y/n): You know that wasn't my intention. I meant to text you as soon as my flight landed, but having to get to the office quickly made me forget. I'm really sorry. [1:34 AM]

Allen: It's cool. I know your business is important to you. Running that comes first. [1:35 AM]

(Y/n): Thank you for understanding. Shouldn't you be asleep though? It's pretty late. [1:37 AM]

Allen: My insomnia had other plans. LOL [1:37 AM]

(Y/n): LOL Take some melatonin or drink some herbal tea. That usually helps me. [1:38 AM]

Allen: Don't have either of those on hand. I'll have to pick up some at the store tomorrow. [1:39 AM]

(Y/n): Aww... That sucks... Hopefully you'll be able to fall asleep soon. [1:40 AM]

He smiled at his screen, now sitting up as he watched the three ellipses fade and brighten again as you typed.

(Y/n): Well, I'm going to shower. I feel gross from being on the plane and not being able to shower all day. Hope you can get some sleep! [1:44 AM]

He stared at the text for a while. He debated on whether to let the conversation die there or let you know his feelings. Now or never, he thought. This felt like the right time.

Allen: I know you probably won't see this for a hot minute since you're showering and all, but I need to get this off my chest. [1:52 AM]

He sent that as a message all on its own before typing up another one.

Allen: (Y/n), I think I like you. I mean that more than a friend. I mean it romantically. We've been friends for such a long time... And I felt like we've had more of a connection than Samantha and I ever did. You were there for me when she wasn't. You've seen me through some of my darkest times, took time out of your busy schedule to make sure I was okay, took care of me... I guess what I'm trying to say is that I love you. I want to be with you. [1:55 AM]


Allen: And if you don't feel the same, that's okay. We can just forget that I ever said anything and carry on like normal. [1:56 AM]

(Y/n): Allen... [1:56 AM]

Said man nearly chucked his phone across the room. You were already done showering? What? Maybe you hadn't gone to shower yet? He should have waited to send the message when you were asleep, he told himself.

Allen: Fuck... I'm sorry. Forget I said all that. [1:57 AM]

(Y/n): Al, no. I don't mind. It's just a shock having a sudden confession like this. I wish you would have said something while I was still at your place. [2:00 AM]

Allen: I wanted to. I wanted to so badly, but I chickened out. I'm a coward. I was afraid of rejection. I didn't want to ruin our friendship, and now I feel like I might have. [2:01 AM]

(Y/n): You didn't ruin anything. I promise. I feel like now isn't the time. You're not thinking straight. [2:05 AM]

Allen: That hurt... I'm thinking straight. You think I'm doubting myself? [2:06 AM]

(Y/n): No! Shit, Al... That's not what I meant. You had to face Samantha about two days ago, and I feel that you're acting out of the moment. [2:08 AM]

Allen: I'm not. I meant what I said. I know you have to reciprocate at least to some degree because you kissed me. Don't you remember that? [2:12 AM]

(Y/n): Al... Can we talk about this some other time, please? It's late. We both need sleep. [2:13 AM]

Allen: Yeah... Sure. Good night. [2:13 AM]

(Y/n): Good night. [2:14 AM]

Painted Angel (Artist! 2p! America x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now