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        Allen woke up well before you the following morning. The sound of cars honking in the streets down below due to Christmas morning traffic kept him from returning to sleep, but he didn't have the heart to get out of bed. You remained in the same position you fell asleep in, curled up against his side with your head on his bicep and a hand on his chest. Your lips were slightly parted from your cheek squishing against his arm, facial features relaxed. His hand came up to run his fingers ever so gently through your hair, taking extra care to work through any knots his fingers caught on. This morning was already so perfect, and the day had barely just begun.

The brunet shifted slightly to lay on his side, making sure to not disturb you too badly. His lips met your forehead in a tender, loving kiss. If he had ever asked himself when he was younger what he thought his future would be like, never, not even in a million years, would he have said this is what it would be. He had a loving, adoring girlfriend that supported him in his work, a home big enough to start a family when he was ready, and money to spare and set aside for when he wanted to retire while still being able to donate considerable sums to charities. Life was perfect despite the drama of last night.

He sighed softly and kissed your forehead again. You roused from your slumber, toes flexing as you stretched your legs under the cool sheets. Allen gently pushed some hair from your face as you blinked your eyes open, attempting to adjust to the dim morning lights filtering in through gaps in the window's curtains.

"Morning..." you whispered, a tired smile playing at your lips.

"Morning," he returned, voice just as quiet. "Did you sleep well?"

"Mhm... Best sleep I've had in awhile. I guess the studies were right when they said you sleep better next to someone you love."

"I'd have to agree with that."

"Mmm... Did you sleep good too?"

"I did. Best dream to accompany it too."

"Oh yeah? And what was the dream about?"

"This bodacious babe was modeling for me, draping in nothing but a silk sheet, reclined on a grassy hillside."

"Sounds like you're inspired."

"You bet your ass I am. Sucks that it's winter right now though. I'd totally take you somewhere private and have you do it."

"Maybe when the weather starts to get warmer we can revisit that idea."

"Agreed." Allen inhaled deeply, then carefully pulled himself away from you to get up. "We should shower. And brush our teeth."

You sat up and stretched again, sheets falling to your lap to expose your bare torso. "Sounds like a plan."

The New Yorker helped you out of bed, the two of you entering the bathroom to freshen up for the day. Showering together was rather efficient, as neither of you were really awake enough to try something frisky. Allen finished up his routine first, dressing himself in a loose band t-shirt, boxers, and plaid pajama bottoms. He made his way downstairs to the kitchen to start on some coffee and breakfast. He had everything nearly finished by the time you joined him. You poured two cups of the freshly brewed beverage, fixing them to both of your likings and placing them at the table as Allen plated breakfast and brought it over. You ate in comfortable silence, enjoying one another's company.

After breakfast was cleaned up and all the dishes were washed, dried, and put away, you sat down in the living room to enjoy the Christmas specials on TV. You laid on the couch with your head resting on Allen's lap, his fingers toying with wet locks of hair. You had agreed to not exchange gifts that year. Neither of you felt it was necessary as spending this time together was gift enough when you hadn't been able to see one another all that much since you began dating.

Painted Angel (Artist! 2p! America x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now