chapter 4

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It's the next day and you're all ready to head to the isle. Before you enter the room where everyone is, you are trying to mentally prepare yourself for what is to come. Your life these past four years since you left the isle have been so simple and now it's all going to be crazy again once you step foot on the isle again.


You walk into the main room of the Malfoy Manor and stand in the front of the room as everyone watches you.

"Just a few rules before we get there.." You say as you cross your arms.

"Yeah because you wizards will get us killed if you don't act right." Mal pitches in

"Honestly just don't be yourself, easy." Carlos chimes in

"Exactly" Evie adds

"Okay- How are we getting there since they couldn't get back?" Harry asks

"Just follow my lead." You say as you grab your book.

"You're the one who got mom's book..?" Mal asks you as she sees Maleficent's spell book.

You nod and signal the boys to tell everyone what to do.

"Everyone get on a bike-" Jay shouts
"With a partner!" Carlos adds

You get on your bike and say the spell
"Noble steed, proud and fair. you shall take us anywhere"

They all follow you across the path to get the isle through the ocean.

You all get to the isle and hide your bikes.

"Mal. Take them to the hideout." You say as you start to walk off

"And where are you going?!" Mal says

"I would DIE before I let anyone in the isle see me as a blonde." You reply as you enter your old hideout.

"Right.. okay. Let's go, everyone." Mal says, signaling everyone to follow her to the hideout.

You do a spell to fix your hair. You now have light purple hair with bangs. You put on your old clothes. "Feels good to be me again.."


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"How long is she going to take??" Draco says impatiently

"I'm right here." You say as you walk in.

"Oh my- Your hair- i love it!" Evie says excitedly

You smile at her.

"So.. what's the plan?" Harry asks

"Well before anything.. y/n has to form." Mal tells Harry

"Yeah.. she's the only one as powerful as Hades.." Evie adds

"So shes our weapon-" Ron asks

You roll your eyes.

"Yes and no." Mal responds to Ron

"Oh how lovely.." Harry adds

You clear your throat.
"MOVING ON. How am i going to

"Well.. think of a heartfelt moment." Evie says
"Dad-" Mal begins to say but you cut her off

"Dad has no effect on me." You say

Mal pauses for a second and then blurts out "Its your fault moms dead."

"MAL!" Evie shouts

You turn to face Mal. It hurt to hear her say that since you've blamed yourself for your mothers death. For a split second you see your mom and hear her laugh. So many emotions are circling through your mind. You're full of anger and sadness. All of a sudden you feel your body had a rush of adrenaline and your eyes turn bright green.

"Bingo." Mal shouts as she high-fives herself.

You snap out of it and wipe the single tear from your eye. Harry and Evie noticed how much you trying to form effected you. But they know better than to try and comfort you since you're not the type to show emotions nor talk about emotions.

"Whatever. Let's just get this done and over with. FOR GOOD." You spat as you start to walk off, Mal begins to speak again.

"Yeah... this is all going to take a while because we're going to be here for a while.." Mal pitches in.

"And why's that?" You say

"Because you're in my turf now, sunshine." Uma says as she walks in with Harry Hook.

"And who are you?" Harry asks with such more confusion

"Your worst nightmare" uma says with a smile

"Oh please.." Draco spats

"This is going to be fun.." You say to Uma

"Just like old times, little witch." Uma replies

You laugh and make eye contact with Harry Hook.

Guess there's more people from your past who are showing up all of the sudden ..


Sorry for another short chapter but i want you all to have chapters sooner than later. But I hope you all enjoyed this chapter! If you want to see the video version of this, go to my tiktok: hp.nat

muah, i love you all.


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