Chapter 3

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Despite the masses of upcoming exams, the library was surprisingly empty. Hermione smiled then shrugged to herself as she made her way over to her favourite seat in the corner by the window, picking up an armful of books on the way. She was planning on going over what she needed to know for Professor Black's lesson tomorrow as she wanted to make the best impression she could.

Most of her friends had quidditch practise that morning but it was snowing and the wind was ruthless so she decided not to watch. They were mainly going over the match they had the previous day, it was a very close call to say the least. Gryffindor won against Slytherin as Harry caught the snitch, however the final score was quite close. Ginny had remained true to her word at dinner on the previous Friday evening as the hospital wing had gained several new patients, the majority of which were Slytherin.

Hermione sat curled up in her favourite armchair under a blanket, buried in the book she was reading. She was dressed in tracksuit bottoms, a hoody and slippers, with her hair carelessly tied in a very messy bun, her guard was completely down and she was in no state to handle what was about to happen.

"Good afternoon miss Granger." The voice made Hermione's eyes widen as she gulped and looked up slowly.
"I was told I could find you in here." Chills ran down her neck and didn't stop until they reached her fingertips.
She recognised the voice instantly, she didn't need to look up, nor did she want to. She tried to make herself look the person in the eye but she couldn't bring herself to look past the lace up black heeled boots, one of which had began tapping the floor out of impatience.
"I expected better manners from you Granger, Professor Snape spoke very highly of your etiquette."
"I...uhhhh.. sorry Professor Black." Hermione managed to scrape a few words together. "G..good afternoon."

The older witch looked very unimpressed. She arched her eyebrow and turned her attention to the book in Hermione's hands.
"Studying I see?" She started slowly pacing, circling the younger witch. "Yes, Professor Snape also told me you have a tendency to be a bit of a..." she paused momentarily " should I put this.." Hermione knew what was coming. The woman bent over until she was at eye level with the girl, her face so close to her. She had lowered her tone to something more playful yet cunning as she finished "..teachers pet?"

"I...uhhh.." She couldn't find the words to speak. What was she doing? Hermione thought to herself as she tried to look away from the woman's eyes which were mere inches away from her own. She could smell her perfume strongly from here, elegant and powerful, like an earthy rose underlined with cedar wood. It was intoxicating and it suited her perfectly.

The professor found the young girl's nerves all too entertaining, she stood up and stalked over to the shelf next to Hermione and took a book down. She dropped it on the table next to her whilst slowly placing her hands on the book Hermione was so desperately grasping onto. As if that was going to save her. She let go of the book as the older witch pulled it away and began to flick through the pages.
"Fiendfyre.." She began "I'm intrigued.." she leant on the table next to Hermione who had started fiddling with her nails, anything to avoid her eyes.
"Why would a young witch such as yourself want to acquaint themselves with such a curse?" Her glare bore straight into Hermione's soul.
She was scrambling around in her head for an explanation but all she could come up with was, "I was just interested in how you'd go about conjuring it."

The woman muttered to herself in disbelief as she gestured to the book next to her.
"If you want to be studying for my lessons this is what you'd rather be reading." Hermione looked at the book, she knew this is what she was supposed to be learning. However, she also knew that Professor Black had something of a reputation for producing the most legendary fiendfyre so thought this would be a sure way to impress her new teacher.

"Anyways.." the woman said with a grin as she stood up, "..I just came here to tell you that my class has been moved to the fifth floor corridor, I know it's different on your timetable but I just couldn't stand being in a room next to that insipid Umbridge."
Hermione let out a slight giggle and looked at the floor. Professor Black couldn't help but smile at the girl's reaction, before she could look up she turned swiftly on her heel and strode out of the library.

Hermione followed the woman's every step with her eyes. She walked with such confidence, her hips swaying from side to side as her hands reached up to readjust her curly raven hair. As soon as she had exited the room, Hermione let out a huge sigh of relief. Her body sunk slowly into the chair and she spent what felt like an hour processing what had just happened.


Did Professor Black talk to all of her students like that? Or just those who join her class a quarter of the way through the school year. The young girl had never seen the woman outside of a classroom or the dining hall, and wasn't sure that she wanted to again. Apparently not a lot of other people saw her often either; A few had been with her in detention and some others passed her in a corridor once upon a time, but there was no one she had approached like this, in such a quiet and secluded space.

Hermione wasn't sure what she was supposed to feel, happy that this formidable witch took time out of her day to speak with her? Or terrified because she felt as though she had attempted to carve out the girl's soul with just her eyes. Those eyes. Piercing black eyes, like staring beyond the depths of hell, where even Satan had to sleep with a light on. Those petrifying eyes lingered in the back of Hermione's head, framed by dramatic black eyeliner and eyeshadow, dark curls falling down beside them. She shuddered.

"She's just a teacher." She told herself although she wasn't sure who she was trying to convince. She finished tidying her books away and folded up the blanket she was sat under. She stood for a moment, composing herself, before picking up the book that Professor Black had left out for her and headed back to the Gryffindor Common Room.

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