Chapter 6

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After a somewhat eventful morning, neither of the girls felt much like talking about anything. They both sat in silence on the sofa huddled under a blanket, staring into space. Hermione kept replaying what had just happened outside the bathroom in her head. She was confused more than anything, why would her teacher treat her like that? Just...why?


Bellatrix had apparated back to her office after her little chat with her student near the bathroom. She sat down heavily in her chair and snapped her fingers, a fire erupted in the hearth and started burning steadily. She summoned a glass of whiskey from the kitchen and downed it in less than a mouthful.

What had she just done? Why did she push the girl into the cupboard and hide instead of just going with Minerva? She hardly knew the girl, besides from the fact that she was fully aware of how bright and talented she was. Bella had taught her when the girl was in her third year however she was in a class with fourth years and was still at the top.

She had grown up so much since then, she had changed, physically and psychologically, she had been forced to experience so much more, especially on her little 'adventures' with her friends Ron and Harry. Dumbledore had asked Bella to keep a bit of an eye on the girl as she had no family left and her friends were less than caring for her. The woman was more than adequately experienced with the dark arts, both defending from and conjuring, this is why Dumbledore thought she would be the right person to look out for her.

The girl had experienced more than her fair share of trauma and although she could be incredibly cold-hearted, Bella respected Dumbledore's request. However she knew full well that despite the girl being much more grown up she was still a little know it all with a desperation for approval from her superiors. Although she found it irritating, Bella wasn't too bothered by it, it reminded her of herself sometimes.

She shook her head and tried to stop thinking about the girl but she was unsuccessful. She had managed to stop thinking about Dumbledore's request of her and the girl's academic capabilities, but the feeling of the young witch pressed up against her kept creeping back in, like a flashback. She didn't want to think about it anymore, she couldn't think about it- it was wrong. She shouldn't have enjoyed it so much and she couldn't justify to herself why she had done it. Bella summoned the whiskey from the kitchen, this time it was the entire bottle.

She was Bellatrix Black, and Bellatrix Black didn't feel emotions. She didn't show them either. She climbed into the whiskey bottle until it was bone dry, then proceeded to doze off to sleep in front of the roaring fire.


A rather loud and unpleasant noise awakened the professor from a rather drunken coma. An obnoxiously loud banging noise was coming from the corner of the room. Who on earth would dare to knock on her door at this hour and with such an incessant nature? Oh, she realised it was only 3 in the afternoon, she had fallen asleep during the buzz of the lunch hour. Then it dawned on her the only person brave enough to bash the door in such a manner; Minerva.

She clambered off the chair and double checked herself in the gold plated mirror above the now dying fire and proceeded to strut over to the door, although somewhat unbalanced. She took a deep breath and turned the latch on the door handle, opening it slowly peeping round and spying, as she suspected, one Minerva Mcgonagall.

"Minerva.." she slurred hesitantly "..what can I do for you.?"

"Where have you been all afternoon Bella?" She demanded whilst barging past the still slightly drunk witch into her office. "I've been looking all over for you.." she continued, " were supposed to be supervising the first and second years at lunch. And where were you before that?" Her whining was getting more annoying by the second " practically disappeared after your first period with sixth year this morning."

The mention of the lesson seemed to sober her up slightly, she didn't want to slip up on any details, about ANYTHING. She adjusted her corset slightly as it definitely wasn't the most comfortable thing to sleep in, especially in a chair. Then proceeded to address the professor who was steadily losing her patience.

"I'm sorry you couldn't find me this morning Minerva.." act sober she thought.. act sober. "..I had an unreasonable amount of practise essays and papers to grade, for the students sitting their upcoming exams."

"This is going great.." she thought.

"Right..." she replied, somewhat unsure of her response. "And why couldn't you do that in here, or with the other teachers? Or at least somewhere I could find you?"

Bella had remembered she put a distortion charm on her room before she tore into the whiskey so as to remain undisturbed. Thank merlin for that. It must've worn off around the time she woke up as Mcgonagall seemed to have no trouble accessing her room now.

"Because I didn't want to be disturbed.." Bella proceeded to explain ".. marking and reading students papers is painfully draining enough without repeated interruptions."

"If you say so." Scoffed Minerva with a very unimpressed look on her face. She was the only teacher, or even person in the school who was brave enough to talk to Bella in this way, anyone else would drop down quivering at the thought of it.

"Anyways... what did you feel was so important to come bashing my door down for?" Bella asked, now matching the older witches' somewhat contemptuous tone.

"As you know I have been looking for you all morning," she started "Albus has a very important matter he wishes to discuss with you, regarding an incident in the dark forest last week"

"Oh?" Bella replied, finding herself slightly more invested in what Mcgonagall had to say now.

"I shan't talk anymore of it here, I'll let you discuss it with him and if you need me you know where to find me." She said slowly making her way back to the door that had been left slightly ajar.

As she was closing the door behind her she called out "don't keep him waiting any longer." Which was rather ironic, given the fact that Bella had once again sunk into her chair and wasn't planning on moving anywhere anytime soon.

Hi guys, sorry it's taken me forever to update this story I sort of forgot about it but should hopefully have a few more chapters up over Christmas break!! Xx

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