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"I can't believe you got expelled!" your dad whined while driving you to the new house.

"Sorry, Dad." you mumbled. You weren't sorry for the principal, he deserves it. Have fun cleaning permanent paint off your walls. You silently laughed to yourself.

Your dad just shakes his head as he turns into the driveway.

It was a good house in a quiet neighborhood. That would change fast.

The car came to a stop and you grabbed the door handle, but your dad locked it. He turned to you, "Don't cause trouble here."


"You can have any room you want. You can use the garage to practice. Just try not to get in trouble and have the neighbors complain."

You smiled, "They would be thanking me. It's a free concert."

Your dad smiled back, "Have fun unpacking. I gotta go to work now!"

You got out of the car, "See you when you get home!"

You waved to your dad as he left. You entered your house and all the boxes were there. You set your backpack down by the door and went to go look for a room.

You went down to the basement to see if it was a furnished basement. You ran down the steps to reach the light switch.

You turned it on and fortunately for you, the basement was finished and furnished. You smiled to yourself.

You ran upstairs and started collecting your boxes.

"I swear if the movers broke anything." you said placing a box at the edge of the stairs.

You opened the box before placing it in the basement. You checked to see if your amp was broken and was still working. It was.


You, mostly, got finished unpacking. You looked at your room, "Don't we love the bare minimum?"

Your walls were empty which made you feel weird.

"Reminder to buy posters." you told yourself.

You went back upstairs and grabbed a Dr Pepper from the cooler. You opened it as you hear a knock on the door.

You took a sip and opened the door, it was a older lady. She had a plate of something that was wrapped in her hand, "Hello! I'm one of your neighbors!"

You set your drink down, "Hello."

The lady looked at your outfit, "By the way, I'm Susan Heffley. I brought you some cookies as a welcoming gift, to welcome you to the neighborhood!"

You stepped outside and closed the door, "Sorry about the house, I just started unpacking."

"Oh, that's quite alright!" Mrs Heffley handed you the cookies, "Why don't you come over for dinner tonight. I have a feeling you'd be friends with my eldest son."

You smiled at her, "That would be great. Do you mind if it's just me? My dad works late, so I don't think he will make it."

She nodded, "Of course! Me and your father can get acquainted a little later."


You got ready for the dinner.

"Wearing a suit would be too formal. But wearing a flannel would be awkward." you looked through your dresser and grabbed a white button-up and black pants.

The Löded Diper's Drummer (Rodrick x MALE reader)Where stories live. Discover now