chapter 2

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This is bilding 5 The leader of this bilding is Samon. He is a monkey. You look into samons eyes and you blush like crazy. Hajime notested. Stop looking at my sister she is to cute for a monkey like you. Why a outa. Smon blushed like crazy wich made Hajime more made.
In Samon head : She is so pretty. Why am i thinking that she is an inmate, Monkey can you show my sister around the place. Why should i she is in your bilding not mine. She is alowed to go to any bilding she wants. If you showed for the meating on time for one in your life then you would know that numbeer zero is alowed out of her cell and a lowed to see the other inmates .

That is a nuff buys you need to stop that wright know. The time it took you to stop arguing is the time it took me to geo around the holl bilding so we can do know. Haj-kun. But Violet. Lets go know. I can take you to bilding 3.

Thank you so much but we dont need your help, Haj-kun be nice to Sam-chan. I dont need your help Hajime you should just go back bilding 13.

You only call Hajime by his realy name when you are mad at him or you want your on way. 

You hed to building 3

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