uno x shy reader

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Sorry that I have not updated in a while I have been very busy

You have never met such a rude man in my life. Your BFF said to you. Not all man are rude you say in a shy voice. You can't say a thing you have big boobs. You and your BFF are in a gambling club. That is where you meet him for the first time his name was uno have was really nice looking guy but you would never say that out loud. Your BFF sore the way you looked at him but you could not say a word. You where in love at first sight. You BFF trade to make you talk to him but you couldn't. Your bff dragged you over there to say hi but you couldn't.

Uno pov

When I sore this girl a cores the room I fell in love but I have never meet her before she was so beautiful I think I love her .That was the one word uno thought that he would never say until the day he died

Y/n pov

You ran away never to be seen again until one day...

Sorry it took me so long i will try and get into the habit for writing again sorry for the wait if you would like a nether then just let me know and I will try to do it as soon as possible.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 20, 2023 ⏰

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