Chapter 10

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Aliyah's point of view:

We all looked in the direction of the scream, and saw to my horror that someone was holding my little Amber at gunpoint! "Amber!" I screamed. Gianna froze when she saw who the gunman was. "Dad?" she whispered in shock. "Dad?" everyone asked. "Yes. I'm Gianna's dad," he said, smirking. "What are you doing? Let her go!" Gianna shouted at her father. "Let her go? No. You agreed to my plan to 'get rid of African-American students, remember?" Mr. King asked her.

"Wait. Your plan? I thought that you said that it was Gianna's plan," said Madison, who cam to stand beside me, along with Jackie. "Why are you with her? I told Gianna that black people and white people aren't supposed to be friends!" Mr. King yelled. Suddenly, my brain connected the dots. "All those things that Gianna said and did, and told the others to do and say, it was because you said those things to her?" I asked. Mr. King nodded. "Wait. I thought you said that I would get rid of the African-Americans by bullying them enough so that they would leave," Gianna said.

Mr. King smirked and said: No-no, Gianna. That's just what I wanted you to think. What I really meant by getting rid of them, I meant kill them. Men, women and children. Starting with the students at your school, then the state, and then going across the country, killing them all!" he then laughed like a lunatic. After he finished, a voice asked: "Kill all of the African Americans in the country? Including us?" We all turned in the direction of the voice and to my surprise, it was... "President Barack Obama?!" I cried. It was President Obama, in the flesh, along with his wife, First Lady Michelle Obama. Mr. King was so surprised that he dropped the gun, as well as my sister. Little Amber ran into my arms and cried hysterically. I tried my best to comfort her, but couldn't help crying myself. The police, who were hiding in the band-pit, and in the exits on either side of the stage, came out, handcuffed Mr. King, and he was dragged out of the auditorium. But as he was being led out, he shouted... "This isn't over! I will get my revenge on you blacks! I'll get my revenge!" I covered Amber's ears. With her being only 7 years old, she doesn't like hearing people shout and yell.

Gianna stood as still as a statue before her knees buckled under her. "Are you okay?" one of the officers asked. "No. I can't believe that my father would use me like that!" Gianna cried. Mr. Donavon came over to Gianna. "I'm sorry, Gianna, but I'm afraid you'll be expelled for everything you did," he told her. "Yes, sir. I understand," Gianna said. She turned towards the others and apologized. She even confessed to breaking into my house after my family left with the police, and stealing my laptop. "I figured it was you. I expect it to be back at my house later on this afternoon," I replied.

"What are you doing here, President Obama?" Mr. Donavon asked. "Demi contacted us via video chat, and explained the situation. We wanted to help people clear up the misconceptions about black people being bad. We saw everything from the projector room, and came down in time to hear everything that Mr. King said," replied the president. "And in time to save this little one," Mrs. Obama cooed, seeing Amber in my arms. "Thank you so much for helping to save my sister," I told them. "Yes. Thank you," sniffed Amber. Mrs. Obama opened her arms, and we hugged her. Then, President Obama came over, and we hugged him too. We looked, and there were the President's two daughters. I introduced myself to them and they told me their names: Maliyah and Sasha. They stayed in the projector room while their parents confronted Mr. King. Mr. Donavon asked all the students that bullied us blacks to come to his office so he could call their parents, including Gianna. He sighed because it looked like he was going to be making a lot of phone calls. However, the students volunteered to call their parents themselves so he didn't have to. Those who had a cell phone, that is.

"You can go home if you want, Aliyah. I believe that you truly deserve some family time today after that experience," Mr. Donavon told me. "Thank you, sir. I'm glad that this is over," I sighed in relief. "Us too. We're so proud of you, honey," Mom said. "So-so proud," added Dad. "Thank you," I replied. Demi, Little Mix, President Obama and his family, followed us to our house. Once we got there, Mom said that she and Dad were going to the grocery store. When we asked them why, Dad said that it was a surprise, so they left.

While we waited, we talked about what happened and Jesy said how honored they were to speak at my presentation. After we talked, Amber asked if we could play 'Sly Fox', and I agreed. "What's Sly Fox?" asked Jade. Me and my siblings demonstrated. Amber stood in the front-room near the coffee table with her back turned, while me and the others stood at the other end of the room, that leads out into the hallway.

"Okay. Amber is the sly fox. While her back is turned, Aliyah and I creep up on her," Jayden said, as he and I began to slowly tiptoe towards our little sister. "However, if the Sly Fox turns around..." I began, and Amber did just that, making us jump and freeze in place. "Ohh! If the Sly Fox turns around, you have to freeze," said Demi. "Yep. If I see you move..." Amber said, winking at me. I pretended to lose my balance. "You go back to the start," she finished. I went back. "The first person to reach the Sly Fox wins, and gets to be the Fox next time," Jayden explained.

Everyone nodded in understanding. "So, who wants to go first?" Amber asked. Demi volunteered to go first. We played this for several times, one for each person, until my parents got home. We asked if they needed help with the groceries, but they politely declined. We were confused, but agreed. A few minutes later, Mom called us into the kitchen.

When we got there, we were flabbergasted by what we saw. The kitchen table was ladened with... "Ice Cream!" we all squealed. Mom and Dad laughed. "Yep. After a stressful day like the one we had, we figured an Ice Cream party would lift our spirits up," Dad said. We all picked what flavors we wanted and what toppings to put on to it. We all sat by the TV and watched a movie.

After the movie was over, there was a knock on the door. Mom went to answer it, and the police were there, again! "Officer?" Mom asked. "Don't worry, Mrs. Davis. You're not in trouble. However, we want you to come down to the police station though," one of the officers said. We all looked at each other, wondering what was going on. We all went to the police station where a woman was sitting by the desk of one of the officers.

Bullying: Friends with Stars. A Little Mix and Demi Lovato storyWhere stories live. Discover now