Chapter 3: Dinner in the House of Black

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Chapter Three: Dinner in the House of Black

~Lena’s p.o.v~

                I sat down on top of my now packed trunk. I was perusing through my scrap book while Fenugreek snoozed next to me. The scrapbook itself had a hard leather cover with a green gem on the front. On the inside were so many pictures, moving and none moving alike. One of the where Harry caught his first snitch, the day Harry, Ron, Hermione and I faced that troll on Halloween, the boys and our first Christmas together, our teachers, Harry riding Buckbeak, and so many more. Flipping through most of the pages with a smile, I reminisced about my four short years at Hogwarts. That is, until I stopped at certain page.

                The picture itself was of Cedric and I, laughing underneath a tree. My eyes glazed over at the memory.


It was third year, right after the Hufflepuff v Gryffindor game. One of the stormiest games I had ever exsperianced. Cedric was the Hufflepuff seeker that had been struck by lightning. As he and his broom fell from the sky, I had quickly tossed the quaffle another player and dove to catch the falling boy. I didn’t know who I was saving at the time. But the second I had caught him, he regained consciousness. 

Throughout that twenty foot drop, he had managed to keep his broom in hand.

“Thanks.” He said. He hopped on his broom and then flew after the snitch once again. It was only then that I relised that the boy I had caught was none of than the Hufflepuff heart throb, Cedric Diggory.

Harry was intches from catching the snitch when he was attacked by a dementor. Cedric didn’t see the dementor until it was to late. The second Cedric had caught the snitch, he called for a rematch. He knew it was an unfair win, and anyone who knew Cedric, knew he hated to win unfairly.

It was then that I was hit by an updraft. My broom was carried into the clouds. I knew better than to fly into the clouds, it was practically imposible to see.  It was then that everything started to free, I felt the happiness being drained out of me. There were three dementors surrounding me. That’s when I heard it, two terrified and painful screams. Screams that  would chill anyone to the bone if they hurd it. Not able to physically take the sorrow that was being inflicted on me, I fell off my broom.

Bearly conscious, I felt my body fall and win rush past me. My body twirled like a rag doll as I fell. People screamed as they saw me fall. I saw the ground rush towards me, as I was about to except my fate, something knocked the wind out of me, for something had wrapped around my abdomen and jerked me to a halt. Someone had caught me. They pulled me onto their broom and sped to the castle. My eyes caught sight of Cedric’s face just as I passed out.

I woke up in the hospital wing about an hour and a half later with most of the Gryffindor team surrounding Harry and I’s beds. However, Cedric was the only one who noticed I was awake. I smiled at him.

“Guess this makes us even huh?” I joked weekly.

He smiled back whole heartedly.


                The picture was taken the next day. Both of us had scrapes and bruses on our faces, but we were smiling none the less. Cedric had become like a brother to me after that. He seemed to know when I had a nose for trouble. Any time after that he kept an eye on me, and I on him. He always seemed to alibi me out of trouble when I was caught doing something I shouldn’t be. The look on his face the day his name was pulled out of the Goblet of Fire was so full of pride and joy. But when my name was called, that Joy was replaced with sorrow and fear.

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