Chapter Four: Leaving the Noble and Most Ancient House of Black for Mystic Falls

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Chapter Four: Leaving the Noble and Most Ancient House of Black for Mystic Falls

            Later that night, all my things were down stairs, in front of the fireplace. I was taking the flue network in order for me to ‘Make it there in time.’ However, no one would tell me what that meant. Every member of the Order that was present in the house was there to see me off. Even Fred and George were there to say good-bye to me. It had taken them a lot to convince their mother though.

            They were the first ones to give me a hug. “Sure you don’t want us to send you a Hogwarts toilet seat?”


            “Mom, I was only joking.” Fred said before he winked at me.

            Next was Mrs. And Mr. Weasley. “We sent all the rest of your gifts from everyone to your new house.” Molly said.

            Last was my Father and uncle. They both gave me a hug. “My sister would have been so proud of you, Lena. The day she gave birth to you, she knew you were special.” said Uncle Remus.

            “Yes. Your mother was so proud. We both were.” Dad said. His hand caressed my cheek as he knelt down to my level. “You be safe.” This was really out of character for him. “And if anyone tries anything on you, well, they’ll know not to try it again.” He said with a smirk.

            Yeah, that was more like Dad.

            I grabbed everything before going into the fireplace. “Good luck,” I said. “With everything.”

            “Be safe, dear.” said Molly.

            Grabbing the flu powder, I took a deep breath. “Number 13, Falls Boulevard!”

            Green flames engulfed me, licking at my body. Slowly, the room of Grimmuald Place started to fade into Founder Street; it was midafternoon where I was now.  The house had many boxes, but a lot of the stuff had put itself away magically.

            Opening Fenugreek’s carrier, he ran out to explore. I carried Fidget into the back yard along with his new perch. “Guess what Fidget. No more being cooped up! You can fly to your heart’s content.” I said with a smile. Fidget flapped his wings in excitement and began too coo with anticipation. The second the sliding glass door was open, he was in the air and flying. Smiling, I set his perch under the apple tree in the back yard.

            The wind kicked up, and a sort of fog rolled in. The hairs on the back of my neck stood on end. I looked around. “Hello?” I asked hesitantly. “Is anyone there?”

            That’s when I saw the house across the river. It was practically a mansion. I noticed a young man standing in the second floor window. His ice blue eyes burrowed into my own dark brown ones. The ice of his eyes seemed to burrow into my very soul. I could literally feel my veins turn to ice. And yet, my hand started to rise, and I waved.

            He smirked, and waved back.

            We sat there, staring at each other. Suddenly, his gaze broke mine and looked above me. Confused, I looked as well. An owl I didn’t know flew overhead and dropped something from the sky. It flew off.  I looked back at the window, but the mystery guy was gone.

            Slightly disappointed, I bent down to pick up the letter. The envelope was already damp from the moister on the grass. It was closed with the Hogwarts Seal. Now I was confused. Turning it over, in smeared green ink, it was addressed to me. I opened the letter.

Nothing is Normal After Hogwarts, Damon Salvatore Loveحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن