Chapter 2: Number 12 Grimmauld Place, London

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Chapter Two

After a good time is flying, we finally landed at home sweet home if you could call it that.

Professor Moody had just given Harry a piece of paper that had the inscription the headquarters of the order of the Phoenix may be found at number 12 Grimmauld Place London.

“What's the order of the---“Harry began.

“Not here boy!” snarled Professor Moody. “Wait till we're inside.”

We were standing outside a set of apartments. Number 11 was in front of us, number 10 was to the right number, 13 was to the left, there was no number 12.

I could see the confusion on Harry face. “But where-?”

“Think about what you just read.” I whispered to him. Not long after that did a door appear in the middle between 11 and 13 with the number 12 on it.

I ran into the house, dragging Harry with me.

“Now Harry,” I said. “Please don't touch anything, and no matter how tempted, do not go wondering about.”

As we little lights, Mrs. Weasley came from one of the doors on the far end of the hall.

“Oh, Harry, it's lovely to see you! Lena! Was the trip safe?” she whispered as she took both Harry and I in her arms for a big hug. She then held Harry at arm’s length to get a better look at him. “You're looking a bit peaky, you need feeding up, but you'll have to wait a bit for dinner, I'm afraid…”

She turned to the bundle of wizards between us and whispered eagerly “He’s just arrived, the meeting started…” The Wizards behind Harry all made noises of interest and began to pass by Harry and I towards the door which Mrs. Weasley had just come; Harry and I were about to follow, however, Mrs. Weasley stopped us.

“Lena, don't you have packing to do? Harry, the meeting is for members of the Order. Ron and Hermine are up stairs, you wait with them until the meeting is over. Then we'll have dinner. And keep your voice is down in the hall.” She added in an urgent whisper.


“We don't want to wake anything up.” I said.

“What do you—?”

“I’ll explain later, I've got to hurry, I'm supposed to be at the meeting. Lena will show you where you'll stay” With that said, Mrs. Weasley went to join the others.

As we walked, I could see Harry becoming more be will bird as he got a look around.

“Lena, why--?”

“Ron, Hermione, and I will explain everything.” We reached a hall of doors. “This one on the right is yours Harry.” We walked in.

“Harry! Ron, he's here, Harry's here! We didn't hear you arrived! Oh, how are you? Are you all right? Have you been furious with us? I bet you have, I know our letters were useless--- but we couldn't tell you anything. Dumbledore made us where we wouldn’t, Oh, we've got so much to tell you, and you got to tell us--- the dementors! When---“ Hermione was going on. I decided to give them a bit of privacy. Moreover, Mrs. Weasley was right, I had packing to do. I would be leaving soon.

My room is two doors down from the boys, Fred and George across the hall, Dad’s on the next floor, and Hermione and Jenny were next door. My room was bare, considering my moving in all. Everything had already been sent to my house by muggle post two weeks ago. The only things left for me to pack were my clothes, my books, and a few things that could go into my trunk.

I saw Fidget search on the windowsill and Fenugreek sleeping on my pillow. I filled both of their food bowls and they instantly snapped to attention. “Well boys, this time tomorrow will be in Mystic Falls.” I said to them.

I started folding my clothes, making sure my invisibility cloak with at the bottom. As I was folding my last shirt, I started hearing shouting. I knew it would come sooner or later. Harry “The boy who lived” had been kept in the dark while I, “the girl who lived” knew more and was spending my time packing. I waited until I didn't hear any more shouting before I pulled my wand out to apparated to the room.

“Stop doing that!” Hermione said weakly to me. It was then that I realized that the twins have the same ideas I.

“Hello, Harry.” Said George, beaming at him. “We thought we heard your dulcet tones.”

“You don't want to bottle up your anger like that Harry, let it all out.” Said Fred, also beaming. “There might be a couple of people 50 miles away who didn't hear you.”

“You lot passed your apparating test then?” Harry asked grumpily.

“With distinction.” Said Fred, who was now holding Extendable Ears.

“It would have taken you 30 seconds to walk.” Said Ron.

“Time is galleons, little brother.” Said Fred. “Anyway, Harry, you're interfering with our reception. Expendable ears.” he added in response to Harry's raise eyebrows, holding them up to get a better view. “We're trying to hear what's going on downstairs.”

“You want to be careful,” said Ron staring at the ears. “If mom sees one of them again…”

“It's worth the risk, that's a major meeting they're having.” said Fred.

After Jenny told us that it was impossible to listen to the conversation we told Harry what's been going on with the Ministry and how Percy's been acting, that's when we got onto the topic of the Daily Prophet.

“They've been treating us like a joke Harry. I said bit early. I couldn't stand this anymore. “You know what guys?” they all looked at me. “You finish explaining to Harry. I have packing to do.”

“Packing?” ask Harry.

I didn’t answer. With a wave of my wand and a pop, I was back in my room.

~Harry’s p.o.v~

And with a pop, Lena was gone. I looked everyone. “What does she mean packing? Where is she going? It can be Hogwarts. She graduated last year after…. When the year ended.”

My friends exchanged glances before looking at me. Ron was the first to speak. “Didn't you get her letter?”

That’s right. I had gotten a letter from her. But I had completely forgotten about it. I reached into my coat pocket. It was still there.

‘Dear Harry,

I know that you're probably furious at me but something has happened. Patrick has just informed me that I will be living on my own, in America. It's supposedly as safe if not safer than Hogwarts because of the Salem seal. It has been in place ever since the Salem witch trials and has never been broken. I'm sure Hermione will explain more of it to you. It’s like a fly in a bubble. Pad foot thanks that if I go to America that I'll be safe until it's time for battle. He wouldn't have bothered if I were still in school. But the part of America that I'm going to is called Mystic Falls a small town where everyone knows each. I can already feel that I'm going to be more of an outcast than ever before. I would have told you in person but I don't know if I'll see you before I leave. I'm going to miss our adventures together.

 Love, your God sister,

Lena black.’

“America?” I asked out loud.

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