Chapter 5

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"We will proceed by elimination. The losers of each test would be those who finish last or fail to finish at all." After More than 3 hours of standing around. A speaker stood on a wooden podium and explained the procedure of the Luna selection.

"There are 86 of you and 3 stages. But only 30 will proceed to the second stage." They explained.

"The first test is a physical, you will have to discover and go through the prepared course as best as you can. Guards have been placed all around to insure that each osticle has been completed properly. As well as to point the way if any of you should get lost and give aid in times of danger. However if you accept their aid, it would be the same as forfeiting your participation in the Luna's Selection"

The speaker explained a few more rules and regulation. Basically saying that there were none, as long as they got pass the obstacles without the aid of any guars and where amongst the 30 first the cross the finish line they could proceed to the next stage in the selection.

Then they told everyone to prepared for the race which would begin in about an hour.

For the four rogue young women, the first stage could not be any more terrible.

"Maybe you should take off your shoes" Tina proposed to Jenna who was the fastest amongst them but could barely stand up straight in her footwear.

"And risk ruining our cover?" Jenna shock her head. After all, they were accepted in as members from a nameless small tribe. If they came out as rogues there was no telling if they would be able to participate at all. She felt that it was important for them to keep up the lie.

The rest of the girls believed so as well.

"If they began to bother you, don't hesitate to take them off." Denia told the redhead. "We are here to win after all, not to keep up airs"

"Got it" Jenna nodded. She then began jumping in place, warming up for the race.

Denia then glanced over at the remaining two of their group.

"Will you be okay?" She questioned.

A race was the worst draw for them. As Omegas, Tina and Sofi were not physically strong. Tina had a rough older brother so she had better indurrence then Sofi who had an overprotective father who didn't hesitate to carry her when she tired.
"We just have to be amongst the top 30 candidates" Tina stated as she began to stretch. Sofi nodded and did the same.


The starting line was packed, the path they were expected to take was a mere few meters wide and everyone seemed to be hellbent on starting off in the middle.

The young rogues had finished their warm up earlier and initially stood in the front. But with the arrival of the tribal women. Their much thinner and weaker frames were pushed and nudged into the center of the pool of women.

Even Denia appeared short and small when compared to the majority of these women.

Muscles they had never seen in any of their pack's men where tensed in anticipation. Smood skin shone in sweat from their warm up and well cared for hair were tied and held back from their clean faces.

Sofi looked up, staring at the back of a much taller stranger. The girl must have noticed her stare because she looked back. Sofi quickly lowered her gaze.

She felt intimidated by a mare glance.

Tina held her hand and squeezed for comfort.

"Let's stay together." She whispers. But her words where overhead by others and chuckles emerged from the crowd around them.

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