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🌼vamp pursuing the heart🌼


sorry for late updates due to my sister marriage , spending time with her . but i m sorry to all of you for long wait.thankful to you for being patient.😇😇



story of nights a beautiful mystery to solve
curtain of moon delight on seeing sunrays to dissolve

tantrums of stars and musk of 0asteroids
seductively hiding all allures of night

charisma of night effects the heart of poet
black the white paper with all imaginary steroids

a blissful time for demons to rule
eagerly burning the souls on all routes

what to write more about night
just a black veil  for all sights

story of nights a beautiful mystery to solve
curtain of moon delight on seeing sunrays to dissolve


after spending messy day, and brain storming with tangyi, during
dinner, tharn went out to spend some time with himself.
but the atmos was filled with some familiar scent. the scent which is
mysterious for him still. The scent which is around him from the day
he met him by attack of vamp family. the scent whom he interview in
morning and now he is in his surrounding. he stepped out of his house in direction of scent and was not surprised to smell his presence
inside the elite class night club.
being owner of this club, entry wasn’t problem,  entered through the
main door instead of tharn personal entrance .passing through the
alcoholic pool dancing bodies, tharn sat on counter .
on seeing him, the bar tender boy thorn served him his orange juice.
thorn was tharn special man indeed a trusted vampire buddy. thorn was
running this club.so tharn wasn’t worry about any bad reputation of
club.because thorn  personally lookafter every nook and cornor of
"thorn, any special eye catching moment today" tharn asked him while
drinking his juice and scanning the bodies finally his eyes saw him
enjoying the floor with himself .
"a boy ordered our famous orange plum whisky .you know boss its most
expensive drink and he drank ten shots and now dancing like chimpamzee
on stage." thorn informed
"why you like chimpanzee i cant understand this." tharn said and
with his speed , he rush to that university boy who was about to fall
due to bumping of person  on stage but tharn remained him safe from
knock down by dancing drunk heels.
for first time in his life ,  he feel himself so crazy for someone
without logic. even though without logic , he doesn’t t start new
ventures; doesn’t  meet with businessmen.
though strange but he felt pleasure in the touching his body. due to
dim light though he didnt see his face clearly but he was seeing him
clearly.he didnt try to free himself from tharn .
the music changed from exo love shot to taemin famous song "want" .
and their bodies started to move in harmony . his hands were on his
shoulders and tharn had caged type smart waist.
his touch was slightly seducing tharn,, making his heartbeat fast. he
was in doledrums, he  wanted to have that whole person but tharn mind
was opposing the heart craziness..
heart considered the person his forever and mind wasn’t ready to
devour the stranger but finally heart won.
but before tharn  devour his beautiful lips, his head set on my chest.
he fell asleep. what a break down of tharn heart desire. he picked
sleepy baby in bridal way , made his way outside the club and stepped
his house.
on way to his house, he emptied on tharn what he drank.so difficult
for tharn to bear the smell but he bear it with grin. on reaching his
house, he stand type on his foot and asked him to open his door . type
hardly take out key. tharn took key from him and opened the door.and
took him inside.
being drunk, he was behaving like kangroo chimpanzee but not like
human. tharn took him to room which he  guessed was his room. tharn
undress himself and put them in washer to wash. meanwhile,  hardly
undress him, throw his clothes in laundry basket and place him in bath
tub so he get clean and sleep sound.
after giving him bath, tharn dried him and dressed him in his night
cloths hanging in his cupboard and took him in his bed while tuking
him he suddenly drag me on him by grabbing his arm. but tharn softly
free himself from his grip
"i am more hungry to devour you but for now you are drunk so i dont
want to rape you." tharn whispered in his ear which made his lips
smile.and suddenly he slept . snors were quite seductive.
then tharn went back to take bath meanwhile his clothes were
washed.and dried but tharn took out a trouser shirt from his wardrobe.
packed his cloths and came out . on seeing writing table, tharn took
out page and paper and wrote message
" dont drink again too much that you ended in bad way.i saved you
today.but i mayn’t saved you next time even from me next time. protect
your virginity unless we ll mate oneday.dont be anxious about me who
am i .how i know you. the hands of clock and hours of time will reveal
everything.goodnight beautiful"
after placing paper on his sidetable tharn left his house and walked
back to his house . and quietly moved to his room though he  know
tangyi  would definitely knew about his leaving and entering the
house, but to avoid his Fbi investigation , he entered  room and
locked it. putting his bag of clothes on side, tharn tuck in his bed
in his clothes. “first time in my life i wore someone other
clothes.how i do this and why i do this.” tharn mumbled while sleep
fairy was closing  eyes so the quarrel between heart and mind stops.


thankyou for reading following
i m grateful
to be continued
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💝VAMP PURSUING THE HEART 💘complete💝 (tharntype) 💝by💝k.bunny💝Where stories live. Discover now