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🐝vamp pursuing the heart🐝


the heart of type missed  the beat unknowingly when tharn proposed him to be special friend. for a  moment type felt his heart betraying him
but quickly came to senses by of his mind who was warning him not to
let tharn close to him. its first time in  life of type that his own
heart and brain waged war. with cold sigh type circled the neck of
tharn with his arms, softly touch the silky hair , licked his lips and
said “ your special friend ? do you offer all the people to be your
special friend who works as your assistant unfortunately.”? “ do you
consider yourself unfortunate while working with me , my delicious
beauty”? tharn questioned instead of answering like gentleman. “ I
have heard and read in newspapers that for  president of WHITE ADOLPH
GROUP reputation , goodwill ,moral values matters lot as compare to
earning money. but … but  the way you show your cheapness by forcing
me for dinner, trying to seduce me , it seems that they are not aware
that how much rogue you are . just thought for a moment if I spill in
public that you try to harass me what will be your repute in market.”
type tried to show the worst side to tharn . tharn laughed lot ,
placed his both hands on wall camouflaging type and said “ you will
spill in public that I harass you . well, if you want to do then go
ahead but no one will believe you because there are thousand of heart
who drool over me and the will come in my favour ,  they will all try
to find you so that they cut you in pieces for blaming me . so choice
is yours , try if you want . ultimately it will be me who will save
you from all this wrath it will be my arms my darling which will be
your save heaven.” “save heaven or disgusting stage of life . what you
think who am I . mr Adolph, its not necessary that money will help to
get all what one wants . or atleast it is impossible in my case . I am
here to work not to seduce you or laid under you at your orders . and
I am just internee , I will leave the day my internship will complete
. so , if as responsible business person you cant teach me the basics
of practical business then its okay but please don’t think me a
roasted piece of crispy beef on table prepare to fill your stomach . I
am not such person.” type removed his arms  and put down the arms of
tharn prisoning him ,and walked away from him  but returned and said
“you want me as your food but I don’t want to fill you with me . and
don’t forget the staff protection rules by government. you will
receive my resignantion tomorrow , I don’t want to work with you .
good bye mr Adolph.” type said and left tharn speechless in his office
. type as reached in his office , typed his resignation letter, print
it out , put it in envelopes and emailed it as well to concerned
authorities. after , he put his goods in box and left the office . on
way he stopped by grocery shop from where he bought some fresh and
cooked food , drink , snacks and drove to home. on reaching home, he
placed the goods on appointed places, checked the special defense
system of his house ,, shower oneself and then sat in front of tv
screen with bowl of noodles and can of beer. and start to munch the
noodles with mindless expression. anyone on seeing type can say that
though his mouth is eating noodles but his heart and mind are
somewhere else , grazing the grass of some where else . type came back
into world when noodles bowl was snatched from his hands. with
frustration he saw towards the two bodies who sat in front of him with
suspicious smiles on their face . they were none but his brother jiang
Alger and his partner chen yuzhi alger . type node his head with
frustration and placed his head  on back of couch. “ what means of
such expressions type . what you want . are are you taking high dose
of medicine “ yuzhi questioned worriedly . “he is frustrated with the
feelings blowing his mind when ever he see tharn Adolph . he falls for
him and he run from this fact.” jiang mocked though but unaware that
his words have pissed his brother . type through cushion towards jiang
which fortunately hit the glass vase on table . vase fell on ground
and scatter into pieces. “ comeon jiang please be serious .” yuzhi
scolded his man . “ I have resigned from internship and I will no
longer work with tharn Adolph . I need to think some other way to sort
out my revenge . the more he try to close to me , the more I feel the
urge to torn him in unlimited pieces and roast them .” type said . “
but then how you will find out the reason of mom dad death . after a
long struggle you finally trace dad family . and” yuzhi was cut by
jiang “but what type is just kneading flour without water . according
to will of mom dad , which we received from his legal adviser dad had
instructed strictly that if he died accidental death then no need to
find the reason. we just have to stay safe away from his family. and
we are doing well . don’t know what type want to find out from ashes
which is already polluted with useless pollutants. type , don’t forget
they are very powerful and we have no such back up just tribe of yuzhi
but how much we can drag his leo tribe for our help . vampires and
lions are two different creatures. and if they find out that you have
power of lion and vamp then they will certainly abduct you and kill
you. so better lets move from here and go back to hongkong and live
there peacefully.” jiang tries to change his  brother mind . “  are
you done or there is something  you want to say jiang …… say if
something remains I will listen you but listening doesn’t mean MR
ALGER that I will follow you as well. the day I started my search I
made it clear that I will find the reason of my parents death no
matter any one will help me in this or not . think why dad will left
such note for us ever think about it . was he such coward person .he
was regretful that he had leo as mate . no, even he left such note I
will find those circumstances that cause him to write such note for us
.  moreover , dad friends zelig brothers are going to shift in black
valley of vamps on Saturday through private jet of adolphs .so need
plan to free them because they are great help to us.” type said . “
type , we cant afford to show you. and once you will stop using your
medicine its effect will be no more and if you stop using once , the
medicine will not work again with your body.”yuzhi said . type stood
and walked towards his room but returned and said “ I don’t want to
play long the more quickly the things end the more its better.”but was
sarcastic by wordsd of jiang who shouted “marry to tharn then he will
be helpful in finding things.”  type after entering room , closed door
behind him, laid on his bed and picked up the mobile . the screen was
full of missed calls and messages of tharn “ type. I will spend whole
night outside your house or get agree to work with me . what’s  wrong
if I express my feelings . I don’t urge you to fall for me but atleast
you can tell me why I feel so much hate in you for me.” type powered
off the mobile and placedback on night stand . type slipped in duvet
and drifted in sleep  valley .


support my new work and old work because it fuels me to write for you .

🌿list of tharntype  stories🌲
❤sorry i am late
❤tame by innocent love
❤vamp pursuing the heart
❤love my forced husband
💐complete stories of tharntype🌲
❤hubby from journet
❤be diamond in my ring
❤lust leads to love
❤types diary

🎈other stories🎉
❤vulture hawk(saintzee)
❤chance to heartyou(saint zee)
❤perfect heart imperfect love(veemark)
❤why i u just we(exo got7)
❤spring whisper (poem book)


thankyou for reading n following
i m grateful
to be continue
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💝VAMP PURSUING THE HEART 💘complete💝 (tharntype) 💝by💝k.bunny💝Where stories live. Discover now