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🎻🎻vamp pursuing the heart🎻🎻


the silence of type was painful . but he was eligible to behave
according to his wish. shaofei saw towards yuzhi tangyi tharn .and
tehn down his head . “ why he left silently instead of stabbing in my
heart”. shaofei mumble like loser. tharn and tangyi patted his
shoulders in vain  of comforting him. “whatever he suffers in  our
chase of useless lust this silence is nothing . shaofei is  right he
should kill us because we don’t deserve his sympathy attention . I
think the more he will stay with us the more he will suffer so I think
we should let him live his life .” yuzhi finally said. “ don’t stress
yourself . with time all will be settle. yuzhi you need rest you
should go in you room and tangyi take shaofei to home. In morning we
will set the remaining accounts .jiang zaligs and all other prisoners
will be back to town. tomorrow the community ask for us to there.”
tharn said while standing and took yuzhi to his room. when return
tangyi shaofei was still sitting. “ still sitting” tharn questioned.
“what if type reject you” tangyi asked. “ so no worries , he has right
to do so , dont smudge yourself with ugly thoughts. your wait is
finally over , take care of shaofei and plan your wedding soon.
because I am fed up from your unnecessary bossy attitude I want to see
your trembling stature on just hearing name of shaofei. go home go”
tharn said . both stood and leave tharn alone behind . tharn locked
the door and came back in living room .lying on couch and started to
see the close door. he can clearly listen the silent sobs of type . he
wanted to comfort him badly wanted to tell him a lot but he had
neither the courage nor the words that instantly heals all wounds of
type . when he slept he wasn’t aware . in morning when he awake , saw
a blanket on him . he can clearly say that type did this. he was
smiling like fools when a voice brought him back “ mr tharn breakfast
is ready , have it and return to your home.” tharn stood an walked in
direction of voice . jiang was already sitting in table , tharn
dragged chair and sat silently. breakfast was served . type sat on
opposite side wait for both to start . when no response he got , he
filled his plate and started to eat . Childish version of  type made
both men smile. “ don’t see me as I am your prey . food is on table
.dont think me on table .”words of type made yuzhi tharn laughed. when
realized what he said , he choked.  the crimson blush was clear on
face of type . as breakfast ended , type was about to sand to clean
the table when yuzhi said “ sit down , type ,lets have some word .
Avoidance can’t solve problems . No third person will come to solve
these problems . I know all you know is great blow for you but it was
planned in same manner sooner or later all cycle works as design.
keeping all inside will increase your pain just let out all the
bruises which you hide in all these years .showing the wounds bruises
don’t mean that anyone will think you are weak” but was cut by type
“then they will balance me with gold  heaps or it will bring back my
parents . will it  rewind all the time which I spend without my
parents . nodoubt you and jiang care me  lot but what about the t hose
truths which are lies in original . I always thought that
thunderstorms ruin all , rehab becomes challenging at times but I
suffer from calm drops of rain and this calmness burn me whole so
politely that I didn’t feel pain but see I am now fully wounded with
no blood dripping outside , slowly drowning in my own pool of blood
;trust respect love sincerity smile life hope , I lost all if left
anything in you people take it and leave me forever . I don’t want
anyone around me our ways are separate from the time you both step out
my house. never ever try to cross path with me . I am done acting as a
tennis ball between you selfish beings .” type stood and walked to
kitchenette when yuzhi words chained his feet “you are right but what
about tharn he is your mate and in all this happening he is victim
like you why are you pushing him away why are you forcing his vamp to
tie you with himself forcefully.” tharn saw yuzhi with wide eyes and
then shook his head . type turned saw tharn whose head was down “I am
not aware of such mating rituals. because I am not living being
anymore and even though tharn wants to mate me then I am in his front
. just cut down my throat and drank all blood chew my heart until it
become wither like autumn brown leaves.” tharn stood from his chair
and turned his back “ type , no  one can force you against your will.
sometimes two people live together as couple in eyes of world are
actually living single through out life . for me you are my mate but I
am not going too force you unless and until you accept me with your
heart . mating is not about intertwining of bodies but acceptance by
souls . and we want you in vamp community as victim presenter . yuzhi
accompany me as well jiang will be there later on I will send the
where they to go. just last time give us this favor after this we all
disappear from your life I give you my word “ tharn stopped tear slip
from oceans of eyes and words caught in well of throat . tharn walked
out of house . yuzhi followed him . yuzhi patted his shoulder . tharn
hugged him back and shed all tears . “ he isn’t cold heart just need
time to heal . he actually doesn’t need anyone who sew his wounds. he
will come to you just a little more wait with patience”yuzhi whispered
. type saw both through glass pane feel unknown ache but turn it down
and got himself busy In work. yuzhi came back and said “type last time
please go with us after that we will follow what you will say” type
node his head . “in an hour we will leave . freshen up yourself then
we will leave” .yuzhi left type alone. type freshen up and was ready
to go with thran and yuzhi to vamp colony along with shaofei and
tangyi who followed them in separate car . they drove in suburbs of
the city .as approached the required area , type was surprised to see
the grandeur of the building representing the mix of old and modern
architecture . if it was situation then type would definitely take
pictures of the area  the gates of the building were slide to let the
cars enter . he can clearly see the heads bowing on see the people in
cars . finally car was stopped in front of the building . as car
stopped , the door of driving side was opened by someone from outside
. as tharn stepped out type heard the word “good day majesty” .tharn
opened the door of type offered his hand to come out . type step out
himself ignoring the hand of tharn. once again type was stunned when
he saw the people wearing black suits standing straight bow down and
welcomed him . type saw towards tharn . “ they think you as my partner
so welcome you here” tharn whispered and then walked towards  specific
building . all the four followed him . as enter inside the building, a
large number of people seems to be mannered elites were sitting . as
tharn entered , all stood to welcome him . as tharn sat on his throne
all seated back. tangyi lead shaofei , yuzhi , type to their seats .
mean while henry lau step forward and whisper something. tharn allowed
him .suddenly the doors were again opened and jiang alongwith zaligs
entered in room. “what a day humans , leos wolves and vamp criminals
all are in our council room seated with great conscience of
shamelessness” a voice appeared . “why shaofei isn’t chained and in
cage why he is free he stabs shamelessly the person who brought him up
all alone with love and care” . an other voice said. “tangyi who
always favor and cram justice is holding hands of criminal .wao what
love for justice .” voice appeared again . “mr monarch , your near
ones are criminals then how you can do justice tell us and no human is
allowed in our colony so why he is here why are you going against the
set rules .” type was surprised on seeing the person he was his
professor in university MR YANG XI. tharn smiled on seeing the type
who was astonished perhaps . “strange you are saying such words for
that student of yours about whom you said limitless praise , MR YANG
XI. don’t you feel you are exercising dual standards . say all what
you want to say . I am all ears because after this you all will only
listen me” tharn said in final tone .


thankyou for reading & following
happy to meet ¥0Ü💚
to be continue📋
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💝VAMP PURSUING THE HEART 💘complete💝 (tharntype) 💝by💝k.bunny💝Where stories live. Discover now