Chapter 7

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Sooyoung POV:

Did she wait hold on chuu just she just my crush ever since high school just confessed to me.

I know I've been waiting to hear these words but why am I suddenly panicking?

"Do y-you feel the same way?" she asked on the verge of tears.

Chuu POV:

I can't believe I just confessed to her.

What if she says no and we can't be friends anymore because she thinks I'm a freak.

"It's ok if you d-"

I was shocked she just kissed me, sooyoung just kissed me.

"No I-I love you to, when I first saw you at the opening ceremony I couldn't help but fall for you" she said with a blush streak across her face.

I couldn't help but begin to cry.

Quickly wiping my tears I asked her.

"Sooyoung what are we then"

"Chuu d-do you want to b-be my g-girlfriend?"

I started crying like a little baby this is the happiest I've ever felt before.

"Of course I'll be your girlfriend"

I gave her a quick peck on the lips, she had finally taken off the covers.

"I've loved you for so so long I'm really happy that you feel the same way about me" said sooyoung as she gave that cheeky cute smile that always made my heart race.

She's so cute what the hell, I couldn't contain myself any longer.

"I can't take this anymore" I leaned into sooyoung and passionately kissed her, luckily she went along with it.

Our lips were slowly pressing against one another's, I want to go a little further even though we just started dating today.

I softly bit her lower lip for entrance into her mouth.

I heard a soft moan come from sooyoung.

Slipping my tongue into her mouth it was warm and comforting.

Our tongues began to twist and turn in each other's mouth.

The taste of her saliva tasted sweet.

We finally pulled apart from each other sooyoung laying her face into my chest.

We were both gasping for air.

I looked down only to see a blushing sooyoung still panting from the kiss we just had.

She then looked up at me still hiding a part of her face in my chest.

"I-I love you chuu p-please don't leave me I want to stay with you f-forever"

"I promise I will never leave you" I gave her a soft peck on her forehead

"Goodnight my love"

"Goodnight chuu"

A little while later I heard soft snores coming from sooyoung.

I hugged her tightly as I now had her hand grasping onto mine, I wrapped my free hand around her head stroking her soft thing hair.

She sleeps just like a beautiful swan in the moonlight.

(~The Next Morning~)

Chuu POV:

The next morning I had woken up to a sleeping sooyoung still grasping my hands tightly.

AHHHH! she's so hot and cute I can't believe she's really my girlfriend now.

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