I'm sorry jug

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Betty's pov 

I woke up and decided to make breakfast for jug, since I would only cook for myself before jughead would order room service this was of course before I found out that he is visually impaired, I would always assume that he didn't know how to cook or was just expecting me to cook for him, but that wasn't the case.

I was just finishing up the breakfast when I heard jughead coming down the stairs, I turned to look at the stairs and he had his earbuds in, the music that was playing in his ears was guiding him down the stairs.

"Hey betts what's that smell ?" he asked, its breakfast juggie "Oh ok, I will go order some breakfast for myself" he said obviously not knowing the breakfast was also for him, Juggie I made breakfast for the both of us "Is it because you see me differently now ? now that you know I can't see, because you have never done this before betty and I liked it better when you didn't know because at least then you treated me normal, and now I'm just your disabled husband" Jug I made you breakfast because I love you "You don't love me betty you literally just met me 3 days ago" and you said you loved me back "Because I was tired betty I don't know what I'm saying half of the time I get tired" Fine then order your room service, I'll treat you normal whatever that is because this morning was normal for me, so I'm sorry if you don't see it that way jughead.

After the argument I had with jughead I just tried to distance myself from him, so when I saw him coming into the bedroom I just brushed past him and went downstairs,

Jughead's pov

When me and betty fought I felt horrible, so I just decided to keep to myself for the rest of the day, listening to my audio books, sometimes I wish I could read again but I can't anymore so the closest thing to reading is listening to my audio books, after I listened to my book for a while I decided to order lunch, betty I-I'm going to order lunch do you want anything ? "Yeah, I want a husband who can actually see and fuck me" I got tears in my eyes and just ordered my lunch, when my lunch was dropped off I took it to the kitchen and started to eat while once again listening to my book.

*At night*

I was tired from a long day so I went upstairs and layed down in bed until..."Can you sleep on the couch jughead" why ? "Because I want to sleep alone" well why don't you go to the couch then "Because you do everything I say" betty I'm too tired to even move right now and the lights are off I turned them off before I got up here "Jughead just go sleep on the couch" betty I'm not risking falling down ok "If you can go up and down the stairs all day then you can go downstairs jughead" no betty I can't it's harder when it's dark because then everything really does go pitch black "I don't care I am not sleeping on the couch so you go downstairs" you know what fine.

I slowly walked down the stairs with my earbuds in my ears, I was really tired of arguing with betty so I just did what she said, I don't even know why my dad wanted me to marry her.

*In the morning*

I woke up, as always put my earbuds in and then headed to the kitchen, today was the day I was going to start cooking again, I was able to cook before my accident and I have cooked once after my accident and nothing bad happened so I am going to try and cook again.

I wanted to cook something simple since this was only my second time cooking after my accident, so I decided to cook eggs and bacon and even though I did argue with betty I wanted to make her some too "The egg is raw jughead" I heard betty say when I set the plate down, I-I'm sorry it's my second time doing this since... nevermind I'll just order room service again.

I was a bit upset that the eggs turned out raw instead of cooked so I just ordered my own food again, my phone started ringing so I answered it, hello who is it ? "It's dad" oh dad whats up ? "I wanted to let you know that when you and betty get back you have to start trying for a baby" what why ?! "Because you need to keep the family name going " dad I can't do what your asking me to do, betty wants a husband who can see, and fuck her and I can't do that "Just try for me please jughead" dad... "Come on jug just do it for me" Fine, but I'm telling you betty wont want to and we will achieve nothing.

"Who was it ?" betty asked, it was my dad "What'd he want ?" he told me that I better start trying to make... babies with you "And what did you tell him ?" I said there was no way in hell I would ever be able to fuck you because I can't see but then he pulled the classic do it for me bs so I said fine but we wont get anywhere.

"Good, just what I wanted to hear now I'm going out" to? "The bar to find a man who can take care of my needs" but betty I can do that, what do you need money ? "No, someone who can touch me and take care of themselves" I can take care of myself "Oh yeah then why is it that your father made me marry you to help you and to take care of you ?"Is that really why he made you marry me ? I asked with a hurt voice "Yes it is jughead !" I-I understand "Good" she said as she left the apartment and slammed the door behind her.

Who was I kidding she doesn't like me, after betty left I decided that I would leave the apartment without leaving her a note, I was going to the whyte wyrm to stay there because my only friends sweet pea, fangs, and toni work there, I'm also going there because I'm serpent king,and the whyte wyrm is also the only place with some music because I told my dad that the whyte wyrm is a bar and should have music, he only agreed to music at the whyte wyrm not Le bonne nuit even though Le bonne nuit is technically a bar too.

"What brings you here jones ?" toni asked as I walked into the bar earbuds in and suitcase in my hand, I'm gonna be staying here for a little while "Why I thought you were on your honeymoon with your wife" was toni, was but she hates me so I decided it would be best to leave her "High and dry ?" no, she's more like high and mighty toni "Well the only place that you can stay in is upstairs in the office of the wyrm" that'll do "Alright then jones, sweets ! turn off the music" "Why the hell would I- ohhhh h-hey boss" Hey sweets "Listen I'm sorry about y-" It's fine sweets just turn it off until I go upstairs, once I'm up you can turn it back on again "o-" "nonsense boss, we'll keep it off" no toni really just turn it back on once I go upstairs "Alright, whatever you want boss"

Betty's pov

I hate being married to jughead I mean he is such high maintenance, I feel like I have to do everything for him which is why I went to find a caretaker that will take care of jughead instead of me, I know I said I was going to the bar but that was obviously a lie I just went to find a caretaker and luckily I found one.


When I got to the apartment we were staying at I didn't see jughead anywhere so I called him "Who is it ?" jughead asked sleepily, it's me betty "O-oh betty what did you need ?" where are you ? "That's none of your concern" jughead just tell me where you are so I can go call you a cab, or are you lost again ? "I'm not lost betty I'm staying at the whyte wyrm with some friends" I'll call you a cab "Betty I don't need a cab I can walk myself back to the apartment" are you sure ? it's dark outside "There are these things called street lights so it's not exactly pitch black" fine just hurry up.

Once jug got home I went up to him to tell him about the caretaker "What's up why did you want me back here ?" I-I got you a caretaker jug "Why would you do that ?" because you need care that I can't give you "Betty I don't need any special treatment, I told you that I was fine on my own !" jug it's already done she's coming tomorrow morning " *cries* I don't need help, I am perfectly fine on my own" juggie I'm doing this for your own good "Betty you don't know whats good for me, you have no idea what I like to do". 

(Authors note: I am sorry if this was a sad chapter but I was watching riverdale season 5 episode 3 while writing this so I was very emotional and felt sad)

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