Vinnie Vaccarelli Headcanons (Part 1)

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(Vinnie Vaccarelli is from the 2012 novel, The Family Corleone)

Random Headcanons:

During Winter, Vinnie loves to go power sliding in his car. When he was learning how to, he ended up crashing, one time even ending up in the hospital. Vinnie, being Luca's driver, was apprehensive at first about driving during the blizzard, as he often wonders if he could end up in a wreck.

Vincenzo talks with a very thick New York accent. He knows some basic Italian, but often uses English though his grammar is less than ideal.

Vinnie is a firm believer in the supernatural. The power went out due to a storm? Definitely ghosts. The man he watched Luca kill? Probably out to get him.

Vincenzo is terrified of doctors. When he had the clap, he refused to get the shot as he was scared. When he eventually got the shot, he felt a little bit better about doctors.

Vinnie is also scared of love. He likes to go out with his friends and pick up girls, but he could never think of an honest relationship. He tried once, but he got too attached and once the relationship ended he felt empty.

Vincenzo tells his parents that he's a door-to-door salesman. His mother honestly believes his lie, but his father knows he's in a gang and actively tries to stop him.

Considering it's the Great Depression, Vinnie is actually quite "rich". His pay from Luca is a lot, especially since he's all alone. He used some of his money to buy an apartment.

Vinnie loves his friends in Luca's gang, but he thinks they can be quite cruel at times. Nonetheless, he still works with them, and expresses his joy to have such friends.

Vincenzo dropped out of school during his teenage years, and never lost his "teenager humor". He jokes about sex and other stuff quite often, and since his friends are also dimwitted, they laugh and encourage him.

Vinnie smokes, usually only with his friends or whenever he's very stressed. He prefers cigarettes to cigars, but occasionally will smoke cigars.

Since Vincenzo has no reason to have so much money, he gambles it all when he plays poker with his friends.

Valentines Day / Love Headcanons

(I have no other reason to do this besides Valentine's day being so close by)

Since Vinnie has been single for so long, he usually just buys himself a box of chocolates. Depending on how he feels, he sometimes buys multiple.

If Vincenzo was ever to find that one special person, he'd definitely take them out for a wild night on the town, followed by an intimate evening.

During the time when Vinnie had the clap, he refused to be intimate with anyone, as he thought he'd be seen as "damaged goods".

(continuation of last headcanon) If Vinnie had an S/O during the time when he had the clap, he'd either be very clingy, or very distant.

(with S/O) Vincenzo would stay with his S/O whenever they were having a bad day, except if Luca had work for him, then he'd have to leave. He'd be sure to make it up to them though.

Vinnie loves to take care of his S/O during their period, and tends to buy them tons of chocolate.

If Vincenzo's S/O were to have a nightmare, he'd cuddle with them and reassure them that everything was going to be okay. Once his S/O would fall back asleep he would stay awake and extra 10 minutes to make sure they were okay.


Massacre Headcanons

(with S/O) Vinnie decided to bring them along with the gang to the parade where the Corleones and the Governor were. They were all having fun until the Irish came.

(with S/O) If Vincenzo's S/O were to get shot (not fatally), he probably wouldn't notice until the shooting stopped. He would feel horrible knowing he could've protected his love. He would still run after the O'Donnell's, but afterwards would go straight to the hospital. Vinnie would buy his S/O many gifts, and spend as much time in the hospital as he could.

(with S/O) If Vinnie's S/O were to get shot (fatally), he would never forgive himself. If only he had stood in front of them and protected them. He would pay for the funeral, and every other expense.

(with S/O) The moment everyone laid eyes on the dead child, Vincenzo's S/O began to cry, it would be an image they couldn't unsee. Vinnie would do anything to keep them from getting ptsd, whether it be removing certain objects or even changing the subject whenever it came up in conversation.

Other Random Headcanons

(with S/O) If Vinnie's S/O found out about the terrible things he'd done he would admit that he did commit atrocities. He would try to be honest, though he knew if he told his S/O too much they might go to the authorities with the information.

(with S/O) If Vincenzo's S/O ever "bad mouthed" Luca, Vinnie would do everything in his power to make sure Luca never finds out. If Luca were to possibly find out, Vincenzo would definitely hide his S/O.

(with S/O) If Vinnie's S/O ever found out about the "baby incident", he'd try to explain it in a less "insane" way. Considering his S/O was probably friends with Kelly it would feel even worse. Vincenzo would try to comfort his S/O in whatever way possible.

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