Holiday Killer Revealed (Alberto Falcone x Reader)

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"Alberto... Where are you?" I asked myself as I gazed through the ocean of people surrounding me.

Everyone around me was quite powerful. Some were business partners with "The Roman" Falcone, while others were family members, or like me; a friend of someone within the family.

The night was already beginning and Alberto Falcone, my friend of several decades, was no where to be seen. Most of the time, when someone's missing or you just can't find them the best thing to do is look around. Now, I'm in a ballroom filled with a few, if not hundreds, of criminals and killers. Searching for Alberto could possibly lead me to seeing something I'm not supposed to see, and that's a bad idea to have. But, what did I have to lose?

I left the ballroom after establishing that Alberto wasn't there and made my way upstairs towards his father's office, and towards his bedroom. I knew checking with "The Roman" was not a good choice, but I needed to find Alberto before the night ended.

Right as I was about to knock on "The Roman"'s door, I heard a familiar voice call out to me;

"What do you think you're doing?"

I turned around, beaming with excitement. I hadn't seen Alberto since he left for Oxford, but he still managed to look the same, with his purple lens glasses and his formal attire. For a moment I forgot we were talking and blanked.

"A-Alberto? Is that really you? Hmm.... Wait no, it can't be. Something's different. You've gotten taller? Wait no... You're smarter! That's right, I haven't seen you since you've left for Oxford!"

Alberto sighed at my extremely dull attempt at lightening the mood and cut to the chase;

"What do you want?"

I stood there, quite dumbfounded.

He did know that there was a party downstairs right? Or am I just imagining that?

"Well you see,"

I began, as I looked through a window to the current masquerade that was happening below us;

"I haven't seen you in years, and I've missed you so much. I tried searching the party for you but you had vanished. Is everything okay? You seem more on edge than you did the last time we had seen each other."

Alberto suddenly took me by my hand and led me into an empty room. He turned on the light and started to speak;

"I'm sick of this (Name). I've always been seen as the 'good son', the 'perfect boy'. I want to join the family business. I don't want to be seen as a failure in my father's eyes. He knows that I'm fully capable, but he won't let me prove myself. He sent me away to Oxford so I wouldn't have to be his problem anymore, and frankly, I wish he didn't. I spent several crucial years of my life wasting away to be in the same place I would've been in the past. I need to finally prove myself."

I finally understand. I mean, I think I do.

"Then do it. If you think it'll help you find a better mental state then go ahead. I just want you to be happy again."

I meant every word of what I said. He seems different and I really hope whatever he does will finally give him the closure he deserves.

Fast Forward:

New Years Eve, Gotham Harbor

Ever since these "Holiday" killings have started everyone's been on edge. For the most part, the only people who seemed to become victims were known to have some connection with the Falcone name. That meant that I could very well be the next victim.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 03, 2021 ⏰

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