Dating Alberto Falcone (Arkhamverse)

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Dating Alberto Falcone Would Include:

- Going To Lots and Lots of Parties.

~ Dating the son of Carmine Falcone would mean that you'd have to attend many elegant parties. Alberto doesn't really enjoy parties, but brings you along so he's not lonely.

- Taking Care Of Him After He Gets Into A Fight.

~ Alberto's quite headstrong and often forgets that he has responsibilities. He gets into fights quite often due to his large mouth, and definitely needs you to stitch him up when he's beat up.

- Being The Only Person He Trusts.

~ Alberto is barely loved by his family, so he can't tell them anything. literally anything. He relies on you for venting about his life. One day he ends up telling you about his underlying mental illness. At first he was scared. He thought you'd leave him after you found out. He didn't want to hurt you.

~ Surprisingly you took it quite well. You reassured him that you weren't going to leave and made him some hot cocoa.

~ Little did you know that his illness would drive him to insanity.

- Trying To Reason With Holiday.

~ Since Holiday is a different "version" of Alberto, you still have to stick by his side. But you never expected any of this...

~ Holiday would try to kill you at every chance he had gotten. This time seemed different however...

~ "Alberto- I mean Holiday... Yes- Holiday... Why do you do this?... Why are you trying to kill me?"

~ "You really cannot take a hint, can you?"

~ "What do you mean?"

~ "I'm a higher power than you. And you seem to be getting in the way, so my only solution is getting rid of you."

~ "But I've taken care of you- I mean Alberto- I've taken care of Alberto... He wouldn't want you killing me. Now would he?"

~ "He doesn't get a say in who I kill, you Harlot."

~ Let's just say that Holiday doesn't really like you. Despite Alberto trying to convince him to let you go.

~ The funny part is: He doesn't actually have the guts to kill you. He wants to, but can't justify it.

- Cuddling When It's Cold.

~ Or just cuddling in general.

~ Alberto doesn't mind being the little spoon or the big spoon. He just loves cuddling.

~ Alberto's touch-starved and loves hugs. He gets such a giddy feeling when you give him affection, whether it be large or small. He just wants someone to love him for who he is.

- Getting Gifts.

~ Let's be real: Alberto would spoil the hell out of you.

~ Whether it was expensive or not, Alberto would buy it for you.

~ (If the gift is expensive, he asks his dad for money, because tbh he doesn't really have a good job.)

~ Remember that time you pointed out that 24K Gold Ring? Well, Alberto just bought it for you.

~ You wanted a vintage car? Alberto just bought it.

~ Anyways, Alberto absolutely adores you, and would die for you.

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