Chapter 5

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•Alex's POV•

I just stood there with my arm going across my chest as my hand held my other arm. Were done, we really are over, but I never wanted to be over. All our memories flowed back to my head.  I placed my fingers on my lips and slowly traced them down till they reached the bottom of my chin.

The thought that I could probably never feel his lips again, is actually the worst thought ever. The worst feeling I could ever have was, not able to be Austin's girlfriend, the one he loves. I just love him so much.

"Are you ok?" Niall asked trying to make a move on me by wrapping his arm around my shoulder.

I sighed and parted away from him. "Niall it's not the best moment to meet you. I don't think it ever was, not since I saw Austin upset at the concert. Um, but it was an amazing opportunity to meet you." I couldn't look up due to the fact that I was on the verge of crying.

I simply waved and didn't look , but he tugged my arm. "Wait." He told me as he brought me into a hug, oh c'mon I know the 'lets hug and I'll slip my number in your pocket' thing. I pulled away.

"Niall don't expect a call, or text soon."  He just looked at me as if he thought I didn't like him or something. "No, that's not what I meant! I really enjoyed this! But if this stupid situation with Austin didn't happen things would have been better. Ok?" I asked hoping that backed up my other comment. He slightly threw a fake smile, as did I when I started to walk off.

•Niall's POV•

"Ya, well you could have just not brought him." I replied.

I mean whats so bad about not bringing your boyfriend to meet us? Her tone of voice actually scared me a bit when she spoke. "Don't go there, you wouldn't know how much trouble he went through to get me here, to meet you. So don't."

I felt like I just fucked shit up real bad. I just wanted to get to know her, and she knew when I was making a move or slipping my number into her jacket. How though!? She left the room we were in. I sat on the leather couch and ran my hands through my hair.

"Your so stupid Niall!" I mumbled to my self as I slapped my hand onto the couch.

Louis' voice entered the room."Lad what's up? Chill now won't you?"

I replied in a grumble full of anger, I really didn't wanna handle any of Louis sass or shit. "Fuck off Louis..."

"Wait, woah, your real bad now. What happened?" He asked which was simply a weird thing. To the thought that he would already be sassing me up to the moon.

"I fucked things up with that girl."

He took a cookie from the plate and sat next to me on the couch. "How bad?" Louis asked as he took a bite from his cookie.

"Real bad, so bad that she probably hates me, and soooo bad that her and her boyfriend broke up."

Louis choked on his cookie. Was it really that bad? "You made them break up!? Niall! That's the worst you could have possibly done!" He roared.

"Well! He was all jealous and it's not my fault he was! Then well they got into their own fight! First why wouldn't he be jealous!?"

"Niall you can't ask why he wouldn't be jealous! You could get any girl that you fucking desired! He can't!" Louis insisted to protest with me.

He was right though, I can just get any girl while he would have to go through so much. While I only have to ask them out. I felt real bad for making them split apart, but happy that she won't see him anymore. Or I hope.

Everything Has Changed {Niall Horan}Where stories live. Discover now