Chapter 7

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"So, when are you going to see him?" I asked.

"Uh, I don't know I was going to call him right now." Finishing up her sentence she stretched over for her phone and her sleeve lifted up. I turned around and looked back towards her arm when I saw red marks.

No, she can't be? Why why is she doing this? "Um, Alex?" I muttered.

"Yea babe?" She asked grabbing her phone cradling my head in her lap afterwards.

"Can you l-lift up your sleeve?" I stuttered just hoping it was my eye sight.

"Why?" She asked.

"Just do it?" I asked gently. As I tried to reach over she leaned back. "Just for a second." I begged, she did the opposite of sitting still and moved. I reached up and held her down lifting her sleeve up. "Alex why?" I say almost in tears.

"I'm sorry." Is all she said.

"Why?" I asked again.

"Are you hungry?" She asked.

Alex turned away, but I still had her pinned down on the bed. "Look at me." She did nothing but lay still. "Look at me." Same thing. "Alex look at me." Finally telling her with a fierce tone.

Alex's POV

Austin's waterline started to turn a light pink, he's gonna break. "It's just my mother is soon going to die, the doctor told me. Then I'll have to live with my dad, and my dad well we don't have the best relationship. And living with him means leaving you..."

Austin's POV

The words 'leaving you' echoed around my head. I stuttered while speaking my words. "Y-you wouldn't leave me right?"

Alex sat up as I stayed laid down on her lap, she curled down to where our noses brushed against each other. Right now she did no more but tease me. "Austin if I had to I'd rather die." I smiled and I could feel my cheeks puff up and turn red.

Alex about to kiss my lips stopped when someone walked in the door. "Mom?" She asked.

"Call the ambulance." Her mother begged falling straight to the ground. Alex shot right up knocking me over to face plant into the ground. I couldn't blame her for gods sake her mother's on the ground. Alex shook in fear as I shot right up and called an ambulance.


I stood up in the lobby with Alex's head against my chest, she cried her eyes out. Sure I had a white shirt now that she's sobbing in it, it would become see through. But that didn't matter a thing to me her mom's on a live or die situation. The doctor walked out and Alex didn't notice.

I had a bright up lightened face hoping for good news, but the doctor shook his head in sorrow. I just pulled Alex tighter in my arms. "What Austin?" She cried out softly.


She pulled out of my arms having her hands plant on my chest. Her eyes puffy in red, I can't tell her it would just break my heart, but I can't leave her hanging. "She um.......p-passed." I say cracking trying to hold in the tears, her mother was my second mother.

Alex just pushed a bit towards my way making me almost fall back. She tugged on my shirt and cried her eyes out. Just asking why her mother had to pass repeatedly. With each cry I held her closer to me. Looking up the doctor mouthed the words 'sorry'. I shrug a bit and just pull my lips to the side.

"Babe." I whisper.

"Austin why?" She cried softly into my chest.

"Alex." I whisper again.

Everything Has Changed {Niall Horan}Where stories live. Discover now