Chapter 8

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THEREFOR I am ending it's probably the worst story I have ever written in my life. Like I hate it, for you who read this story I'm sorry for the disapointment of the ending ♥

I really do appreciate how you guys read this though :/

Just hoping you enjoy the end ♥

Once again sorry.


Alex's POV

I watched as Austin disappeared Niall was causing problems. I don't have any idea how to tell him, until it slipped. "Um, Niall I really don't think we should see each other again, maybe as friends. That kiss you pulled me into was just, a no. Ok? I'm sorry like a lot. If you want maybe friends, but I don't see how it'll work with your career." I explain.

Niall smiled at me. "He's lucky to have a loyal girlfriend like you, and I'm sorry. I just thought you were the perfect one, but I guess not."

"Niall, someone out there will love you for everything you are."

Niall pulled me into a hug. "I really do hope we can be friends." I tell him with a sigh.

"We can, I'll visit as often as I can." He says still with his arms around me.

I turned my head slightly when I saw a figure walking our way, I let go out of Niall's hug when I noticed Austin was coming back. "I came to see if it was a lie that you were cheating on me with him, but I guess not." Austin spoke.

"Austin, it's not what it looks like." I spare.

"Really? So that's why you were in his arms!?" He exclaims.

"I was just hugging her, cause she told me how I caused problem in between you two. I'm really sorry, she was just comforting me. I just don't think I'll find the right one." Niall explained.

"Yea, so you think that my girlfriend is the right one for you. Well she was mine at least until you took her away." Austin started walking away.

I ran up to him. As I caught up to him I turned him around. "Austin it's not that." I whisper as I lean in closer to his un-forgettable face. I could feel his breath to this point. "Austin I couldn't love anyone else but you." I tell him.

But he slightly pushed me away. "So that's why you two kissed?" Austin asked.

I turn around and looked at Niall who nodded his head letting me tell Austin the truth. "Niall forced me into his, but it meant nothing to me. And he knows that. Austin I'm begging here. We've been through a ton of fights lately and I rea-" Austin stopped me smashing his lips into mine.

His lips were irresistible, his touch was irresistible. "I love you." He muttered. I smiled and just hugged him with everything I had.

*Month Later*

"Alex?" Austin shouted from down the stairs. Where do I live now that my mothers in a better place you ask? I live with Austin and his mother. Emily, she just understood things wrong with her mother and she learned that she was beautiful inside and out.

Niall? So I've heard on tv that he's in love with someone. Pictures have been seen of them having an amazing time! "Alex!" Austin shouted again.

I ran down the stairs and into his arms. Austin swung me around. "Niall's calling." He says with a smile.

"Hey Niall what's up?" I asked him.

"Just..." He sounded upset.

"What's wrong?" I asked with a worried face.

"Just sitting celebrating the fact that I have a girlfriend!" He shouted through the phone.

I got all excited. "Niall that's great! Are you sure she's the right one?" I asked him.

"I'm more than sure!" He exclaimed.

Austin gave me the 'what he say' look. I give him the 'wait' thing with my finger and he smiled wrapping his arms around my waist spinning me around. I could barley talk through the phone. "Niall! I have to go Austin won't stop s-s-spinning me around! I love you! have an amazing time."

"Bye babe!" He shouted hanging up.

With the Austin kept spinning me, I tossed the phone on to a couch, me and Austin fell laid down on another couch. "What he say?" He asked with a smile so close to me that I could kiss him.

"He has a girlfriend and he said he knows she's the right one."

"Really!?" Ausitn exclaimed.

I nodded my head and he crashed his lips into mine, we stopped to the sound of a dog barking. Austin and I both chuckled and looked over towards Rosco. Then we looked back at each other and kissed once more.


I hate this ending asdgkahldgashdghkalgkashdg


But at the same time it's adorable (my opinion)

This story was really rushed! Ugh!

I'll make it up to you beautiful babes in a future story? (:

Thanks so much for reading! WHAT YOU GUYS THINK OF THIS ENDING!?

Bye babes! :D ♥

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