Chapter 1: Probably Not

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I am sitting at home doing homework when my mother, Primrose Everdeen, walks into my room.

" Hey Sweetie it's a beautiful sunset you should come into the kitchen," says my mother.

I just shake my head and get back to my homework. I would have skipped my homework like I usually do and do it in class with my friends tomorrow, but something was making me want to do my homework. At first, I thought I had been hypnotized by my mother but then I remembered what was bothering me. It Was the night before my first reaping and I had to have something to distract me. I was so nervous and I was constantly feeling like I was going to throw up. I am only 12 years old but I am still terrified, only because my mother told me the story of her reaping. When she was 12 years old she was reaped into the Hunger Games and her sister and my aunt Katniss Everdeen or Katniss Mellark volunteered for her.

" Haley, you are probably not going to get reaped your only 12.", my mother says.

But when I look up at her I can tell she is nervous because she was so pale she looked like a ghost, which was not helping my case.

My little brother Cooper comes into my bedroom and plops his butt on my bed.

" I hope you don't get reaped Haley because then you would probably die and I would be sad," he says

I look at him and I am tempted to tell he is lucky because he is only nine years old, but then I think about what would happen. He is super strong and really good at throwing and wrestling. As for me, I can kind of throw but usually I miss my target, and I can't wrestle. On another note, I am really weak. The only skill that I have is running but I can only jog not sprint so that wouldn't help me.

I stop doing my homework and pull my mother and my brother into a huge bear hug.

" Whatever happens I will always be with you," I say to my small family.

For dinner that night we had steak and stuffed cauliflower, but I only took like two bites of my meal. I got in the shower, put pajamas on, gave my mother and brother a hug, and went to bed even though I wasn't tired. Instead, I was up late thinking about my friends. This is Ethan's second year being put into the reaping pool, and my cousin Kaylee's second year being put in. My cousin Kaylee had two little siblings a little sister, Willow and a little brother, Rye. But this was me and my other friends Addie, Paige, Addiana, Blake, and Coby's first year. There was only one girl and one boy going in and I couldn't help but think it was going to be one of us. No. I think It's probably not going to be you. It was about midnight and I was so tired I could barely keep my eyes open. Finally, I let the comfort and warmth of my covers consume all of my negativity and let my mind drift into deep darkness which I was sure was holding many unsettling nightmares.

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