Chapter 10 Day 6: FIRE

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I wake up and walk over to the pond that we are camping next to. I look at my reflection in the clear water. I look terrible. I have a large scar on my cheek where I was scratched by the mutts, my hair has been burned off to my collarbone and the ends of it are dead and black. My face is covered in a thick layer of dirt. As for my clothes, they are a completely different story. There are places on my clothing that are burnt off. Where the sections of my clothing are burned off, there are small burns. I start by washing my face. I scoop up some water and scrub my face with the freezing stuff. I then take my knife out of my pocket and cut off the burnt and dead part of my hair until there is nothing dead left. I can't do anything about my clothes. I look at my reflection again. That's much better. I walk back to our camp and make some food for everyone. I gather lots of things to throw into a soup and instead of using a fire, I use hot coals. That's a little trick I learned from my Aunt Katniss. Coby wakes up first, as usual. He just flashes me a light smile.

" You fixed your hair." He says. I just nod and then I pour some soup into four bowls found in one of our packs. Paige and Addie finally wake up and we eat our soup. It's not terrible but it's not great either. I guess that's what you get from a twelve year old cooking but that's that. Then, my friends and I start sorting out the packs to make them hold more stuff. Now that there are only four of us, we can't carry as much. Once we finish that, we start wandering around the arena. I feel like I am hallucinating when I smell smoke. But I know I am not hallucinating when I hear the crackling of a fire. My friends can smell and hear it too. I can see it in their faces. I turn around and there is an unmistakable wall of fire behind us. I scream and start sprinting before my friends can even turn around. I turn around and see that they are following closely behind. I look to my right and I can see one of my fellow tributes looking right back at me. Then, a huge ball of fire hits her. I hear a canon and start running even faster. Fireballs are falling everywhere and I see the cornucopia right in front of us. But then I realize what the GameMakers are doing. They are forcing all of the tributes to the cornucopia. I want to turn back and run in the opposite direction, but I know that's not an option. My friends and I get to the cornucopia and we see all of the tributes purple faced and gasping for air. Wow, there's a lot of running in these games. The wall of fire stops and I am about to leave when I see something. A glistening thing in front of me. They put a forcefield around the cornucopia. I hear the sound of trumpets coming through the speakers. An announcement was being made.

" Hello tributes of the 94th annual Hunger Games! As you can see, you are trapped inside the cornucopia. We have a special pack, containing something you all may possibly need. To get this pack, though, you must kill three tributes. Good Luck. And may the odds be ever in your favor." Says the announcement. As soon as the announcement ends, the tributes are all looking at eachother like they are a meal. Okay, let's just get this over with. I throw a knife at my first victim without even aiming. The knife plants itself in the back of the tributes neck. Then, a canon goes off. This starts the battle and the killing starts. Someone is coming at me and I throw a knife into the tribute's heart. He falls on his knees and then falls on his stomach. That's two. I just wait because everyone seems preoccupied with everyone else. That's when it happens. An arrow goes straight through my throwing hand. It knocks the knife out of my hand and I scream. I can hear someone yelling my name, but I don't know who. I see someone coming out of the corner of my eye. I can't see more than at least fifteen inches in front of me. The pain in my hand has practically blinded me. Without thinking I pull the arrow out of my hand and shove it into the throat of the tribute coming near me. I scream again, but even louder. The pain is so unbearable. I fall onto my back and lay there, trying to stop the bleeding. Trying to stop the pain. Tears stream down my face and I continue to scream in pain. I'm an easy target. Someone just kill me. Please. I hold my hand and I feel the hole where the arrow went through my hand. I just lay there. I don't try to get up. I don't try to stop the bleeding. I don't try to do anything. I don't want to do anything. I just lay on the ground, making myself an easy target on purpose. I just lay there in hopes that someone will come and kill me. As I am laying here, not doing anything to help my hand, my vision is almost completely gone because of the pain, I feel someone pick me up. The last thing I feel is something metal, and then everything goes black again.

I wake up to find myself lying against a tree, watching my friends scatter around me. They open a silver egg shaped container that holds a cream with a very strong scent of medicine. Very expensive medicine. Paige quickly scoops up some cream with her fingers, and, without even hesitating, rubs the medicine into my wound. I try not to scream. To do this, I hold my breath. She takes a bandage out of the first aid kit we have and wraps it around my wound. I just hold my hand for a second after she finishes.

" Thank you." I say.

" Your welcome." She says. Paige. She has always been a healer. She's also very fearless. The only time I have ever shown any fear was at the reaping. She has fought fearlessly through these games. She's very fit and has beautiful, thick, red hair. She's very tall and she has an interesting family life. She's the daughter of Madge Undersee. Paige's dad left her and her mother when she was very young. I've never met him and neither has she, but I'm pretty sure he was the one with red hair because her mom is a very light blonde. She lives in the richer part of district 12 because her grandfather is the mayor of our district. Madge is supposed to inherit that from him when he passes away. Addie. She's very tall and beautiful. She has shoulder length blonde hair and she wears glasses. Addie lives in the seam but she doesn't look like she does. The seam is the part of district 12 that is not as well put together but Addie always finds a way to live her life the best she can. Addie is the daughter of Gale Hawthorne. He's a nice guy. Gale is a hunter and that's how he provides for his family. He refuses to work in the mines. Addie resembles her mother, Grace. Grace has the same hair as Addie and pale, grey eyes. She always has a smile on her face and always looks to the bright side of things. Then there's Coby. He is a little bit shorter and he lives in the Seam. He has short blonde hair and he is very popular at school. All of the girls seem to look at him and he is always invited to another table but he always sits with us. He does not have an amazing family life. His father is a drunk and his mother has to try and support the family. She works at the Hob and she has a pretty good job there. This is the biggest downfall in all of our lives though. The capitols anthem begins to play and I look up to the sky. There are multiple kids up in the sky. The first one is the tribute that got hit by a fireball. Almost all of the tributes died in that little trap we were pushed into. The sky goes dark and my mind fills with terror.

Day 6 is over and there are seven tributes left, including us.

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