Childhood Trama (Happy)

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Headcanon by @strawbrry.cakke on TikTok

    Young Tommy and Tubbo were sitting together playing soldiers in Philza’s living room. Philza looked at the clock. “Oh no! It’s almost 6 o’clock! Tommy? Tubbo? Is it ok if I make dinner while you both play? Do you think I need me to be here?”
    “Philza, I am a big man! I can protect Tubbo and me from danger when you’re in the other room!” Tommy yelled. 
    Philza laughed. “Alright then.” He walked into the kitchen and started to make some food for them all to eat.
    Tubbo looked at Tommy, “Where is the black and yellow soldier?”
    “The bee soldier?” Tommy asked
    Tubbo shook his head.
    “I think it might still be in the box. I’ll find it for you.” Tommy walked over to the giant toy box that held about 50 toys in it. Tommy stuck his hand into the box and rummaged around, eventually finding the black and yellow solder Tubbo wanted. “I got the so- AAAAAAAHHHHHHH!” Tommy screamed and jumped onto the couch, screaming bloody murder.
    “Tommy are you ok?!” Philza asked as he ran into the room. Tubbo also ran over to Tommy. 
    “S-sp- spider!” Tommy stuttered. 
    “Oh, Tommy are you serious? What happened to ‘I’m a big man! I can protect me and Tubbo.’” Phil said in a moc Tommy voice. Tommy pouted.
    “Wait! Where’s the spider!” Tubbo asked excitedly.
    “Near the toy box.” Tommy responded.
    Tubbo excitedly ran over to the box and quickly found the spider. It wasn’t a big spider but big enough for Tubbo to pick up with ease. “Aw! He’s so cute!” Tubbo brought the spider over to Tommy, “Look at his little eyes dude!”
    “AAAAHHH! Tubbo get that fuckin demon spawn creature away from me right now!” Tommy yelled as he ran in the opposite direction, Tubbo continuing to follow him.   
    “Tommy! You are 7 years old! You should not be using bad language at your age!” Philza yelled. He listened to Tommy yelling at Tubbo. 
    “Look Tommy! I’m gonna name him spidey!”
    Philza was about to go and stop Tubbo from terrorizing Tommy, when he stopped. He did still need to make dinner, and a little bit of trauma is good for a kid. Phil took one more glance in the direction of the boys before heading into the kitchen to finish up making dinner. 
Headcanon: When they were younger Tommy would scream if he saw a spider and Tubbo would pick it up and play with it.

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