Post Tramatic Schlatt Disorder

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Inspired by a TikTok I saw made by @prOsth3tic

    Quackity and Karl sat on the couch in their living room. Both boys were on their phones and cuddling into each other. Suddenly the room erupted with music. Quackity turned to see who had turned it on. Of course it was their other boyfriend Sapnap. The song Dancing Queen from the movie Mama Mia was playing.
    “Come dance with me αγάπες μου!” (greek for my loves) Sapnap said as he extended a hand to both of his boyfriends.
    Karl giggled and took Sapnap’s hand.
    “Oh I don’t know…” Quackity said shyly. He was never one to really dance anymore. It had been a long time.
    Sapnap grabbed Quackity and stood him up. He was surprised at first, but soon got into dancing with his boyfriends. Each one was being twirled and spun around by each other, all of them laughing and having fun the whole time. 
    You can dance! You can jive!
    Sapnap grabbed Quackity by the hips and on the beat, he dipped him down.
    Having the time of your life!
    Quackity was back. Back in that dark room he had shared. Music playing. The smell of alcohol was so strong he could almost taste it. He looked into the dark red eyes of the person who had dipped him down. He was wearing a dark fancy suit with a long red tie. He had two giant ram horns on either side of his head and mutton chop facial hair.
    “Hola mi novia.” The man said in a deep seductive voice.
    Quackity fell and hit the ground hard. 
    “Oh my god! Quackity are you ok?!” Sapnap said as he went to hug his boyfriend. Karl quickly turned off the music and went to comfort Quackity as well.
    Quackity looked around trying to ground himself. He wasn’t in the dark room anymore. He was in the living room in the house he shared with his boyfriends. 
    “Quackity, are you ok?” Karl asked, concerned.
    Quackity looked at Karl and burst into tears.
    Sapnap and Karl sat on the floor and comforted Quackity until he had calmed down enough to talk.
    “Are you gonna tell us what happened?” Sapnap said calmly, rubbing Quackity’s back. 
    “I-i just… he- I was back in that room… and alcohol… so much alcohol.”
Quackity stammered.
    “Shhhh.” Karl said, “He can’t hurt you anymore. It’s okay.”
    “Shlatt’s dead. He isn’t coming back.” Sapnap added.
    Quackity hugged his boyfriends. He was so lucky to have them.

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