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Headcanon by me :D
    “Hey, Dad?”
    “Hey sweetheart! How is my gorgeous little girl doing today?” Will asked, smiling at his beautiful daughter. She had long orange hair, big brown eyes, fox ears, and a long black striped dress.
    That’s kinda what I wanted to talk to you about, can we sit down?” She asked nervously.
    Will was a bit confused, but he nodded and sat down.
    “So, I don’t know exactly how to say this but i’m trans. I’m a boy and I feel more comfortable with he/him pronouns. I wanna be able to present more masculine and maybe start testosterone. And I wanna go by the name Fundy too. I really hope you’ll accept me. This is who I am.” Fundy finally caught his breath and looked up at his father anxiously, unsure of what he was going to say.
    Will smiled, “I’m so glad that you told me Fundy. I love you no matter what. How about this? We can cut your hair if you want and you can borrow some of my clothes while we go out to get you some new ones! Maybe we can even find a couple of binders if that’s what you want.”
    “Really Dad?” Fundy smiled.
    “Of course! And I’ll make an appointment to talk to your doctor about testosterone.
    Fundy started to cry.
    “Are you ok?! Did I go too far?! Is it too much?!” Will was cut off by Fundy hugging him.
    “No Dad, you're just amazing.”
    Will hugged back, “I love you son.”

    Fundy hopped in the car and buckled his seat belt. Wilbur pulled out of the driveway and off they went. Fundy was nervous, but excited. He was going to get his first testosterone shot. He now had short orange hair, big brown eyes, fox ears, a white t-shirt, a black jacket with a few colorful stripes, and a hat he absolutely loved. 
    Will pulled into the parking lot of the doctors office and unbuckled his seatbelt. “Are you excited?”
    Fundy smiled and nodded, but Will could sense his nervousness. 
    “Wanna see what I bought at the store?”
    Fundy nodded and Will grabbed a t-shirt from the back seat. It simply read the words “Trans-Parent” on the front.
    Fundy laughed, “Dad, why?”
    “Get it! Like transparent? See through?”
    “I get it, but you’re not transparent.” Fundy continued to laugh.
    “Well one day I might be,” Will joked. “Are you ready?”
    Fundy nodded and the 2 walked into the doctor's office.

    Fundy stumbled around the outskirts of L’Manburg with a slight limp. It had been caused by the explosion of L’Manburg only 2 weeks prior. The explosion had resulted in his father (who had gone a bit insane and was the cause of the explosion) dieing. Well, kinda. Fundy’s grandfather had stabbed Wilbur through the heart after he detonated the nation. It was all quite complicated. But there was one thing that Fundy definitely knew. His father was dead and a ghost by the name of Ghostbur was floating around. The ghost was not his father, but a memory of him. A marker that he had existed. 
    “Fundy? I didn’t think you’d be by here so soon. How’s your leg?” Niki said as she walked out of an underground bunker. She was one of his father’s oldest friends and Fundy had known Niki for most of his life.
    “I couldn’t stay in bed any longer. It doesn't hurt that bad.” He responded, putting pressure on his opposite leg.
    “At least use a crutch or cane.” Niki begged but Fundy just shook it off.
    “I’ll be alright. Have you gone through anything?” 
    Niki shook her head. “ I was going to but there’s a lot down there and I didn’t want to do it without you.”
    “Mind if I look through some things on my own?” Fundy asked.
    “Of course, I have to run back to my bakery but I’ll be back in about half an hour with some fresh pastries.”
    He nodded as Niki walked in the direction of her bakery. 
    Fundy looked at the door in the ground. He was brought back to when he and his father had left their hometown behind so that Wilbur could pursue his dream of L’Manburg. They had both moved into a bunker type home very close to the nation. There was a lot of fighting before his father died. Wilbur had been exiled from L’Manburg and Fundy had chosen to stay in the nation. His father saw this as betrayal. They both ended up saying things they didn’t mean and stopped talking to each other all together. The last time Fundy saw his father before he died was when Will overheard Fundy telling Schlatt, the president that exiled Wilbur, that there was no correlation between him and his father. Fundy regretted saying it, but seeing the look on his fathers face when Fundy saw him eavesdropping made him regret it even more. 
    Fundy sighed. He missed his Dad and felt awful about the way their relationship had ended. The bunker was kinda in L’Manburg but luckily, it didn’t get blown up. Unluckily, there were piles and piles of things just sitting in it. 
    Fundy walked down the rickety old stairs and looked around. Just as he suspected, there were piles of stuff everywhere. He wondered for a while just looking. After a while his eyes lay on a box labeled “Dad’s clothes”. It still had packing tape on it and Fundy realized it wasn’t touched from when they moved to L’Manburg. He was about to open the box when a voice scared him.
“Hello Ghostbur.” Fundy said without turning around.
“What are you doing?”
“Looking through my father’s old things.”
“Oh! Why?”
“He passed away.”
“Oh! I’m sorry to hear that! Do you mind if I hang around?”
“Sure Ghostbur.”
Fundy went back to the box and opened it up. Inside there was a bunch of old clothes which was to be expected. Some jackets and t-shirts mostly. He was about to move on to another box but he saw a strangely familiar shirt near the bottom of it. He took it out and read it. Tears pricked at his eyes.
“Fundy, are you ok? You’re leaking.” Ghostbur said as he floated to see what was wrong.
“Yeah, It’s just the shirt.” Fundy had tears falling down his face.
“What’s the shirt say?” Ghostbur asked.
“It- it says Trans-Parent.” Fundy was properly crying now. He looked up at Ghostbur and completely lost it. He was sobbing on the floor just feeling so empty and guilty. He wanted to be 10 years old at his old home with his dad telling him everything was gonna be ok. 
“Fundy, I brought some cupcakes! We should- oh my god! Are you ok?!” Niki ran over to Fundy and just hugged him. “It’s ok. I promise, it’s gonna be ok.”
“I just wanna talk to him one more time.”
“I know, I know.”
“Hi Niki! Why is Fundy leaking? I am very confused.” Ghostbur asked.
“Ghostbur, please, and I mean this respectfully, shut up.” Fundy managed to get out before turning back into sobs. 
Ghostbur floated there, watching Niki comfort a crying Fundy. He was confused, but respectful shut up. 

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