
23 1 1

 While waiting in line for lunch, Marius punched my shoulder. "You did quite a number on us mein freund." I was glad to see he was up to his usual shenanigans. "Glad I didn't hurt you, old man!" We chuckled as Grace poked my side. "Oh, sorry! Uhhh... hey, do you wanna hang out and play some games after or... ahh nevermind I'm sorry you probably have plans." Why is she so uncomfortable? "Well, I actually don't really have plans, so that sounds great!" "My place at 7?" she asked quietly. I answered, "Sounds like a date, I mean, uhhh, a plan?" Grace called out "See ya around loser!" as she laughed and walked to her table. Well, that was unexpected. She seemed nervous, I have no clue as to why.

I finally realized something: I never got my own room/dorm. My "room" has been the hospital bed. Why was I in there though? "Marius, why do I stay in the hospital and not a dorm?" He looked at me like I was crazy. "You're joking." I shook my head. "Mein gott, I need to tell Gustave about this. Your university Jacques. The attack?" Then it hit me. How could I forget? That student, he died. It's your fault. What? You, Jacques. You're the reason she's dead. Who are you? Nobody. "Jacques?! Hello?! Can you hear me?" Marius was shouting at me trying to snap me out of it. "Are you ok?" "Yeah, sorry Marius." I wipe a tear of my face as we walk to our table. I sat down next to Mike, digging into my food.

"Hey lad, nice work out there. Really gave it to 'em!" Mike congratulated me once more. I replied with a flat "Thanks." Damn, I think that was too obvious. "Something wrong lad?" he asked. "No, I'm fine," I answered. He persisted though, "In my years I've seen despair, and you've got that look. Tell me." I sigh and set down my fork. "It's just... it was my fault that that girl at my school died. I can't shake it." He nodded in understanding. "I get it. However, what you did there was damn fine work. If you tried to step in earlier, you, as well as everyone there, would have met the same fate." He had a point. One wrong move back at the university and it was game over. "Thanks Mike. You're right." "Anytime lad," he replied while patting my back. Well, lunch was over and I needed to get ready to hang out with Grace in a bit. "Catch ya later Mike!"

I ran towards the clinic looking for Doc. I spotted him speaking to a man who seemingly had cloth wrapped around his hands. "Well, see you on the flipside doc." the unknown figure called out. "Oh, hey kid. Good shooting out there, I think Taina's still mad. The name's Jordan, Thermite on the field." I shook his hand saying, "I'm Jacques. If you see Taina make sure to say hello for me and that it was nothing personal." I waved goodbye and continued forward to speak with Gustave. As I was on my way, I looked down the hall and saw Grace running after her tablet as Marius laughed. "Bonjour, Jacques. Have you felt any unusual symptoms?" Doc inquired. I responded, "No, not particularly. Sometimes I feel a little sore after waking up but nothing unusual." He scratched his temple, thinking about something. "Mike mentioned something to me earlier, could you please elaborate on this? Something about your-" "My memory. It seems in the recent commotion I forgot why I was in the hospital. I asked Marius and he thought I was joking but I explained I genuinely could not understand why I was in the hospital wing."

"Ce n'est pas bien mon ami... go to Harry's office and see about getting you a room. Fair warning, you most likely will not be alone," Gustave explained to me. "Thanks for the help Doc. Au revoir." I made my way to Harry's office, one which was labeled SIX. Standing outside, I could hear someone getting mad in there. She was talking about someone messing around... I think the name was Elias? Before I could finish thinking, the blonde German woman stormed out of his office. "Well, good afternoon sir," I said while taking a seat. "Just call me Six or Harry. Also, my apologies. Monika's temper can go a bit...unmanaged." "It's no worry. Anyways, Gustave suggested I should come to you about getting a room?" I responded.

"Ah yes, I figured you'd need a place to stay soon. Let me take a look," Harry said while combing through files. He finally grabbed one out and inspected the contents. "Well my friend, it appears Twitch and Rook have some extra room. They could use another French companion." I thought about it for a second, but I don't think it needed much thinking. "Sounds great Harry. Should we ask them first?" "Oh I'm not worried, I doubt they will be opposed to the idea," he replied quickly. "Besides, it would be good for you to meet more members of the team, right Jacques?" I suppose he had a valid point. "Let's go," I answered.

Next part is already in the works. Stay tuned!!

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