The Attack

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As I approached my next class, I had no clue of what was coming. This would be the last time I would enter a class on this campus. 

As everyone sat down and got comfortable, the professor gave us the usual monotone request, "Please take out your laptops and go to today's assignment." This was nothing new, and this day seemed very normal. The same routine carried on, until the teacher received a phone call. He didn't seem phased. The professor asked us to grab our bags and move out of the building. I, like many of my peers, assumed this to be a drill.

We were wrong. As soon as we pushed open the doors and walked into the afternoon sunlight, the air seemed discolored. Breathing in and out became noticeably more difficult. As we reached a safe distance, we turned to look at the school, we couldn't believe what we saw. Multiple helicopters with troops dropping down and releasing some sort of canisters. It turns out the canisters are what produced the gas. I was able to get a closer look at the intruders. They wore identical outfits, consisting of a jacket, pants and a white mask. I thought the situation couldn't escalate any more, but I was proven wrong by a voice giving us an order, "FREEZE!"

This is the most terrified I had ever been in my life. I was stuck in place, not a single part of me moving, except for my heart. The next shout had a new demand for us: "ON YOUR KNEES AND HANDS UP" I heard shouting nearby, as if someone was arguing. The next few seconds changed me. Everything seemed... quiet.


Only about 100 feet from me, a student's life was put to an end by one pull. It became even harder to stay still. The man guarding us turned to speak on his headset. "What do we do with 'em?" He received a quick and blatant response: "Round em up and take them out." Unless I did something, this was it. This was how I was going to die. Then, I had the best, yet worst idea in my whole life. I silently snuck towards the man as he spoke on his radio. With extreme caution, I slipped the pistol out of his holster. I knew what I had to do, but I didn't think I could bring myself to do it. Sometimes you just have to act in the moment, and think later. 

Note: Sorry this one is short again but I felt bad that I hadn't posted and wanted to give you all something to read! The next part for this scene will be out within a day or two, possibly tomorrow afternoon. Thanks for your support on the first part. Sorry that this took way too long to put out. For some reason I have been so unmotivated to start writing again, but once I do I write a lot. Catch ya later!

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