Chapter 24 Teasing Trouble

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A few days have passed and the group was taking a rest from travelling for a while. They decided it would be best to camp for a few days. Ash and Serena grew closer, May and Dawn have been being friendly as always and Josh spent most of his time alone. Ash and Serena had noticed he was sadder than usual so they decided to go talk to him. Josh was in a tree in a nearby forest. Ash and Serena approached the tree and greeted him.

"Hey guys. Whats up?" Josh asked as he started hanging upside down in a tree.

"Currently you are!" Ash laughed.

Serena elbowed him in the arm to snap him back. Ash quickly shut his mouth and looked back to his brown haired friend.

"We noticed that you have been. I dont know. Less like you lately I guess." Serena said trying not to hurt his feelings.

Josh sighed and stayed silent.

"What does it take to get you to talk?" Ash sighed.

"I dont know. I feel like I am being a little brat. I also feel like a third wheel..." Josh said. "A no good third wheel!"

"Have you forgot that May and Dawn are travelling with us too?" Serena asked while giving a comforting smile.

"I guess... But they seem different..." Josh said.

Ash shook his head and smiled.

"Of course they are different silly!" Ash said. "They are not you! Let me guess, are you shy around them because you like them?" Ash asked in a teasing tone.

Josh did not even let out a blush. Instead he lost his grip on the tree and landed on his head. When he slowly got up he faced Ash.

"I have never thought of anyone in that way!" Josh exclaimed as his face finally turned red. "Not Dawn nor May! None of the people in the pictures were like that! I only see them as friends too! And dont even start on relationships with me! I barely know how to interact with friends! Let alone person I have a crush on! I would combust instantly!"

"Even if you did it gives nobody a right to tease." Serena said giving a glare to Ash.

Ash scratched the back of his neck nervously.

"I guess you guys are right." Josh said. "I need to be more open and try to be less negative. Oh, and sorry if I have been a bit of a bad friend lately."

Ash shook his head and smiled.

"You set the mood for me to propose to Serena!" Ash exclaimed. "I would never think of you as a bad friend because of that!"

Josh blushed at the praise.

"How many times do I have to say that the Pokemon did most of the work?" He asked.

"Who commanded them to do all the work?" Serena asked.

"And who went out of their comfort zone and rehearsed an entire performance for us?" Ash asked.

"Me." Josh said.

Ash smiled then to Josh's hand and started running. Josh stumbled forwards and almost fell into the dirt. He eventually gained his balance and started running too. Josh then turned around and ran the other way. Ash kept running the other way. This ended up being a childish game of human slingshot. When Serena caught back up she scolded them for running off without her. Ash made her forgive him by pulling her into a long kiss. They stayed kissing for what felt like an eternity for them. By the time they finished they saw Josh far ahead walking back to camp. He then turned to them and yelled from afar.

"Are you lovebirds done making out now?!"

Ash and Serena blushed so red it was visible from where Josh was. He laughed and turned around to carry on walking. Ash and Serena stayed behind for a while to do things that couples do.

"Were back!" Serena and Ash cried in unison as they walked to the tents where Josh, Dawn and May were.

"Took you long enough!" Josh smiled as he got up.

He walked over to his tent where Wartortle was playing with Pikachu.

"How's the playdate?" He asked as he peeked his head in.

"War-Wartortle-War! (Get out, we are talking about private stuff!)" Wartortle exclaimed as he ran over to his trainer and pushed him out.

"Ok jeez I am sorry!" Josh said as he backed out.

When he walked back over to the group he noticed Dawn was giving him a look.

"Whats up?" He asked.

Dawn snapped back into reality.

"Huh?" She asked. "Oh I was just surprised to see you happy!"

May looked over to him too.

"Oh yeah..." She said. "Did something happen that made you happy? Like a girl?" She asked in a teasing tone.

Josh blushed a deep red.

"Why does everyone keep asking me that today?!" He asked with a hint of anger in his voice. "I have never seen anyone that way! And I dont know if I will! Besides, I am not good with that kind of thing! Setting people up is my jam but when it comes to me! Frick no!"

May put her hands up in surrender. Then Dawn spoke up.

"Then what has you so happy?"

Josh explained his talk with Ash and Serena.

"Oh so the couple is giving you relationship advice?" Dawn asked in a teasing tone.

"I am the matcher! Not the matched!" Josh exclaimed in a (Are you dumb) kind of voice.

"He reminds me of Bonnie." Ash whispered to Serena.

Serena turned to Ash and nodded with a smile. Josh and the girls then engaged in a silly argument about Josh's relationships with girls.

"I swear to Arceus stop this! I have given like 30 reasons as to why I dont do those kind of relationships!" Was something Josh argued.

"Josh has a girlfriend! Josh has a girlfriend!" May teased.

Josh called out Ferraligatr to hold may in a headlock while May sent out Gardevoir so she could use Psychic on Josh. Ash, Serena and Dawn were left to break up the fight. Eventually each of them returned the Pokemon and were all friendly again.

"You two remind me of siblings!" Ash grinned.

"He would be a better sibling then Max." May sighed.

"You would fit right in with my sister." Josh muttured.

"Really? Is she nice?" May asked.

"Ehhhh..." Josh said.

May leapt towards him with her fist pointing right at his face. Josh stuck his hand up to catch it. He did and laughed.

"I am kidding!" He laughed.

"Siblings indeed." Dawn sweatdropped...

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