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(A/N: the photos and videos in this story aren't mine.)

Allie is Tori's best friend from sherwood highschool.(picture up top) She's punk/goth.

Age: 16

Looks: (in picture) Long straight black hair and blue eyes

Like: singing, dancing, songwriting, Tori, sweets( especially chocolate),roasted peanuts, Beck and Jade, cat, robbie,andre, rex(sometimes), making her own clothes(mostly Victorian era based) gymnastics,ballet and speaking different languages, cosplay

Dislikes: Trina, girls and guys flirting with Beck and Jade, bullies, rex(sometimes), loud noises

About: Allie helped Tori with a bully in 1st grade and they've been friends ever. Allie is a wiccan and she likes to teach Tori about it. They've done everything together, even when they were the same age Allie was like a protective older sister to Tori. Tori knows Allie's secrets and Allie knows hers. Allie lives with her mom, dad and her wolfdog and cats. Allie is a little from the ddlg/mdlg and has a lot of kinks. She's bisexual but never had a girlfriend or boyfriend before. Allie is shy, quiet and reserved. She is an amazing singer, dancer and Allie does gymnastics and ballet with some hip hop. She's flexible and fluent in different languages. Allie likes to make Tori and her clothes ever since they were little, most of the clothes Tori wears were made by her. Allie is also a punk/gothic person and tends to get violent when someone messes with someone she cares about. What happens when she meets a certain couple?

A/N: if you don't know what mdlg or ddlg please look it up.

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