survivor of the hottest

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A/N: I'm changing the episode a bit. The necklace is Allie's Great grandmothers, when she passed she gave it to her. She was also a Wiccan.

Allie's p.o.v.

It was 103 degrees in LA, so I wanted to go to the beach. I texted Tori that I was going to Venice Beach this Saturday and wanted her to come. We barely have time for each other anymore. She asked me if her friends can come. I said sure, I wanted to meet the people she talks about all the time. I got up told my parents and got ready for Saturday.

Tori's p.o.v.

I was sitting with Cat, Andre, Beck, Jade, Robbie and Rex complaining about how hot it was when I got a text. I checked my phone and saw that it was Allie asking me to come to the beach. I said yes and asked her if my friends can come. I waited a little bit when she texted back, she said yes. "Hey Tori, who are you talking to?" Andre asked. "I was texting my friend from sherwood and she asked me to come to the beach with her and invited y'all", I said smiling as I thought of my friend. "Does she have a car that can fit all of us?",Beck asked as he had his arm around Jade's shoulder. "Yeah she has a van that could fit all of us, who wants to come Saturday?", I asked/said bouncing up and down, excited to see my friend. Trina walked up at the mention of going to the beach, "I'm in!" Trina exclaimed as the rest groaned. "You don't like Allie"I said and at the mention of Allie, Trina grew pale."U-Um nevermind I don't want to go", she said as she left. "What was that and who is Allie?", Jade asked me. "Oh, Trina is scared of her and Allie is my best friend. She's the one we are going with",I answered smiling.

~timeskip to Saturday~

Tori's p.o.v.

Everyone is at my house waiting for Allie when she pulled up. We all got in and I introduced Allie to them. "Allie this is Andre,Beck,Jade, Robbie,Cat and Rex. Guys this is Allie, she's been my best friend since 1st grade", I introduced them.

Allie's p.o.v.

As Tori introduced us I took a good look at them. Andre is black with brown hair that's in dreads and brown eyes, Beck looks canadian and has hair that looks soft also has brown eyes. Cat has red hair and brown eyes, she seems ditzy. Jade has black hair with blue streaks, an eyebrows piecing and blue eyes, Robbie looks like he as a miniature afro, brown eyes and glasses and poorly dressed. I lingered on the cute couple for a second and started driving. It was awkward silence, Tori was the only one who knew I was quiet and didn't like loud noises.

~timeskip to beach~

Allie's p.o.v. We got out of my van and set everything up, we were at a secluded part of the beach. Tori and her friends put on their swim suits and I took off my long night shirt I had on, hiding my swimsuit.

 Tori and her friends put on their swim suits and I took off my long night shirt I had on, hiding my swimsuit

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(This is her swimsuit)
I sat down on a towel when Jade and Beck came to me. I was confused but then they sat down next to me."Soo, Your the quiet Allie Tori's been telling us about", Jade said looking at me up and down. "Jade...",Beck scolded Jade, I didn't know why she wasn't being mean or anything. I nodded,"Yes. I am. It's nice to meet you Jade, Beck". I was nervous, these two were gorgeous and I didn't know why I was attracted to them. Jade rolled her eyes at me and Beck,"How do you know Tori?",She asked rudely. "Jade leave my best friend alone"Tori interrupted me from answering Jade. "Oh come on Tori it's just a little question", Jade sweetly told Tori. "Yeah, that's a good question come on Tori tell us", Andre said as the rest came back to see the answer. I whimpered not liking the attention. I wrapped myself in a blanket I took and waited for Tori to answer them. "Ugh, We met when I was being bullied, She came up to me ignored the bully and told me that she was jealous of me and that's why she was bullying me. She stuck up for me when we were little so we've been friends since.",Tori told them, sitting next to me as I unwrapped myself from the blanket. They left it alone and decided to have some fun before we leave. I was catching up with Tori.

~Time skip to the end of the day ~

I dropped everyone off at their houses , I'm at Tori's now. "I'm sorry for them,they can be loud", Tori apologized for her friends. "It's alright", I told her. Tori smirked,"Soo I noticed you checking out Jade and Beck",I was beet red as she teased me for looking at them. "M-maybe, they're cute that's all", I stuttered, as she smirked but she didn't say anything else. Well maybe I can get to know them some day.


Jade's p.o.v. (bet ya didn't see it coming)

Allie Dropped me and Beck off at his house. I was thinking about her and how cute she was. Turns out I wasn't the only one, "She was cute", Beck stated as we went in his trailer. I nodded then smirked, " Her whimper was hot, we should try and get to know her", I told Beck as he agreed with me. "Maybe she's a little, she acted like one", Beck told me, it made me think. I nodded. 'This should be fun's ,I thought smirking.

A/N: I'm sorry it's not good.

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