The Multiverse Troll - Chapter I: "Better Something Than Never"

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(Disclaimer: I don't RWBY. RWBY belongs to Rooster Teeth & the Mentioned names belong to their Respective Companies)

In the many Multiverse Viewers in the making, a man stood alone (just like his colleagues before him) looking at his phone scrolling at the many, many... MANY Multiverse viewers like "RWBY'S Universal Trailer", "RWBY Multiverse Theatre", or "RWBY multiverse mania" and in all honesty, he was getting quite bored of them

(Not that they were bad, oh heavens no, they were great! It was just that him getting fatigued at the many... many multiverses) and he was kinda thinking of going into the others multiverse's and just disturbing their peace or... fun just for giggles (that's called foreshadowing), but he wanted to do his own experiments on his test subjects before "trolling" the others, and so as him liking a certain character named "Dr. Monty" (I don't Cod, Cod is owned by Activision yatta yatta) mainly because he was liking the look & voice of the character, and so he decided to look like him and talk like him.

Noel / Dr. Monty: "Ah! Now, this I can get used to! "You need a little reverie!" he he he "revirie" anyway since I'm the writing this I can break the 4th wall and talk to you, *Straightens himself* I am going to run a series of "experiments" on the cast of RWBY for the time being until the "others" let me into their Universe and well... I already wrote that"

Noel / Dr. Monty: "So there basically going to be their Volume... 3 versions I guess... well the Good guys at least not sure about the villains... eh might as well make them their Volume 3 versions, oh and by the way I might uh let them... kill each other? For a few moments just to see what happens, don't worry I'll make them respawn. Anyways what was I supposed to do?Oh Yes! Spawn them all in! Something bad won't happen probably... Also, I'm going to send them in personally just like Bill!"

Somewhere in Vale (I think), A few days before the Vytal Festival



It was as Quiet as the night... cause it was night... never mind, anyways all of Team RWBY was asleep... cause it was night and so I might have to uhh... Wake them up (actually no I'll just send them in while they're asleep) and so I teleported in quietly... as quiet as a ninja... nothing could possibly go wrong, Nothing. Ever. Could. Possibly. Go. Wrong

(It did go wrong)

The cute Corgi named "Zwei" Borked and well it obviously alerted the Girls... albeit with varying results

Ruby: *Yawn* "Come on Zwei... Go to-..." Dozing off as she was too lazy... er too tired to shush Zwei

Yang: *Annoyed* "Come on Zwei... quiet down"

Weiss: "No... No! I'm not a know it all! not at-... Zwei?" *Waking Up seeing Dr. Monty* "Zwei please-"

Well, this could've gone much better, he might as well add a fight scene (yes I much as I am the Author I do want to kinda stretch my arms a bit & by "stretch arms" just fight them a bit).

Weiss: "AHHHHHH!!!"

Noel / Dr. Monty: "AHHH!!!!!"

Yang: "YANG!? What's wro- AHHHH!!"

Ruby: "Yang? What's wrong...?" *Sees Dr. Monty* "AHHHH!!"

Blake being the kind of Ninja of the group just jumped out of her Bed with... what was it called? *Google Noises* Ah yes! "Gambol Shroud" in her hand

Blake: "Yang!? What's wrong? Oh"


Weiss: "Yang stop screaming, Also "AHHHH WHO ARE YOU"" in a weird mock voice

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