The Multiverse Troll - Chapter II: "Operation Dirty Bomb"

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(Disclaimer: I don't own RWBY, RWBY Belongs to Rooster Teeth & All Mentioned "Business" names belong to their respective companies)

(Another Disclaimer: Technically this is a collab? I guess... but I've never done this before or something... eh I dunno)

AHHHH!! I'm so bored it's been... well 2 weeks I think since RWBY's cast moved in here (time's convoluted in the Multiverse Theatre so technically speaking... 2 weeks isn't 2 weeks here... it's zero... that makes sense) and well just let's say it's like High school in here, except when you anger a group they bring out comically large weapons that you can't even lift, and swing at you if it was a feather.

(And you might be asking Noel? Why didn't you take away their weapons & powers so they that don't kill each other? Well my answer to that question is: "FOR SCIENCE" Yup just because I want to see what happens just for fun... I mean Science! For Science)

And now we're in the "Natural Habitat of The Cafeteria" Said Cafeteria doesn't look anything like a Cafeteria since everyone "personalized" their sides to their tasting and oh my goodness! It's giving headaches!

There are so many colors mixed in with others that it looks like Pyro land but the Brightness & Gamma was upped to a million mixed with some reflective material making it *cough* "Eye – Hell" (I Should trademark that... or something) as someone had the smart idea of placing 50 mirrors on the walls causing sunlight & bright materials to reflect off them... anyways that isn't even the worst part, 

Remember when I said that it was High school? Yeah well Salem's Group put's CRDL to shame, if you're related to Ozpin in any way or your Ozpin himself get ready to get ganked by pretty much the entire group as they put a beating so hard it made my Butt cheeks hurt... anyways I always respawn them whenever they die & man their reactions to the first time they respawned was very funny (think like TF2 whenever you die your back to BLU side or RED side, except replace RED side with a Queen controlling man-eating monsters that are on-) anyways their reactions were mostly screams or them puking (eww) causing me to clean it up every time but the reactions are worth it...

Now as for "Universe Hopping" (that's what I like to call it) I'm planning "Operation Dirty Bomb" where I basically take a Gas-Mask, A lot of Tear Gas, & go into some random dudes Multiverse Theater and toss Tear Gas all over just for laughs, (Yes I am a troll but you got to admit it is funny sometimes),

My first target is going to Neon's Multiverse Theatre and toss Tear Gas everywhere (assuming I don't get shot at or beaten... or maimed the moment I step through the portal) just for laughs... and yes I will go in there and Throw a bucket of poo at Salem (It is the same "brand" of Angel Poo that you acquired... I think) or even further I might take the liberty to... uh prank them (basically me shooting the Cast just to see their reactions... bloody heck... what's wrong with me? Eh)... yeah on second thought that's not a good idea- the shooting part... so I'm just going to stick Phase 1 and Tear – Gas them... yep... dang I'm bored... I wonder what's hap-

I hear knocking... finally something to watch... everyone is ded!

*take 2*

Everyone's corpses are on the ground... what happened? Oh... it turns out Salem did a surprise attack on The Good Guys & Disabled the respawn system (how did she...)

Noel / Dr. Monty: "What is going on here?!"

Salem: "Oh! Uh... *Cough* Ozpin's minions were messing with my subordinates"

Cinder: "Yes!... they were!... they uh... We're trespassing on our territory" (What are you a gangster now?)

Noel / Dr. Monty: "Yeah right, I'm going to uh... clean & respawn... wait! What happened to the Respawn system?"

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