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Months are passing by, Billie Dean's house was filled by the laughs and cries of a little babygirl called Lorraine. She thought back 3 months ago when the only interaction she had with children was donating money to the nursing station of lost newborns. It's like the universe aligned the stars for her when she decided to visit the nursing station and take a look at the lost little infants. There was she, a little girl with crystal blue eyes and the most beautiful smile that would let her forget about the rest of the world within seconds. Billie has had a miscarriage before when she was just 3 months pregnant. Ever since then she decided to forget about having children in her life. Her decision changed quickly when she felt that tiny, warm, fragile body against her chest. Since she was helping the Station financially, she could also take the opportunity to start a new chapter she never thought would be possible. There was something magical about Lorraine that made Billie become a complete new person. "I promise I will be there for you always my little angel. To give you endless love and support so you never feel like something is missing in your little magical world." But the more sensitive she became with the little newborn, the more overprotective and colder she became to the outside world. If it was for her to find new love, her Girlfriend should also accept her little daughter. Lorraine taught her many things. Things she had never thought were possible to feel. Many of her friends were pregnant around her, but she never got to feel true mother love..until this tiny little bundle of life came into her life and turned it upside down. Everyone admired Lorraine, she was a good girl when mommy would film new episodes for her show "medium to the stars", the crew loved Lorraine and Billie could have never imagined that the rumors about mothers complaining about their newborns wouldn't be her own case. Lorraine was a silent child, who would understand a lot with just 3 months of age. Yet there were new things to learn about her everyday. Billie was all by herself, she learned how to bathe a little infant, change the diapers, learn about Lorraines intolerances which came out was lactose, many doctor appointments and sometimes it was a struggle to put the little infant to sleep after a long, hard day of work. But she knew it was worth it once she was laying in her own bed with the small, warm and innocent body against her chest. She chuckles as she thinks back to when she had nothing related to babies in her house. The first nights Lorraine used to sleep against her chest until one of her best friends Alice Macray taught her a lot of things, for example how to choose between 20 different kinds of baby lotions or how to make the little one digest her food. Alice being the overprotective mom-friend never left her by herself. It was a long journey for Billie..to learn new things about the babies habits and every sign she gave was either a sign of hunger, a full diaper or just sleepiness. Nights being spend without any kind of sleep made her focus less on her show at the beginning, but at the end of the day she knew it was all worth it. Lorraine was the main source of happiness at that time, which made the loneliness fade away a little more. She knew it was harder for her to find new love in her life with an infant by her side, but a certain person couldn't get out of her mind. Every day she was asking herself if Wilhemina would still accept her in her life by the company of a little baby. Laying on her bed alone starring at the ceiling, wishing the empty space on her mattress would be filled by the company of the redhead was one of her biggest wishes. It sounds unfair to her ex-fiance she thought, after all they were a couple for more than 1,5 years. But as much time as could pass by she knew the time she spent with that woman was to cover the loneliness in her bed. They say you find true love in only 2 people. In your child and in your partner, it was true but in Billies case it's just her and Lorraine at the moment. No longer waiting for love she decided it was time to get Wilhemina's attention, after all she knew that the redhead was only looking for a night to have some of the life's biggest pleasure. But Billie knew she could change her mind..to find love, happiness, company and compassion. Her biggest fear was Wilhemina's cold and drastic way of rejecting something when she was afraid of compromises. Shaking her head and getting of her bed to make her way to Lorraine who just woke up, letting out little whinings and soft cries made her realize how strong she became thanks to the little pumpkin. Every day was a new challenge for her after all. Raising a 3 month old and seeing her grow by her side was for Billie one of the biggest pleasures in life. She knew she needed love, and Lorraine taught her a huge part of that. As she made her way to the kitchen with Lorraine in her arms she lets out a soft chuckle. Lorraine loved Billies blonde curls and she always uses to play with them knowing she needed to be gently. Her big, ocean blue eyes look at billie every time the woman laughs, she sees the calm in the woman eyes and gets closer to her every day, every gests and every time the blonde talks to the little girl, she feels the radiating love that the little one feels towards her. Having Lorraine by her side let her know what her friends mean by "the biggest love of your life will always be your child." and she was glad she finally got to feel it herself.

I'll come back to you - Wilhemina Venable/Billie Dean HowardWhere stories live. Discover now