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Kia's POV

"Seriously you guys need to clean this room. It smells like a middle school boys locker room." I plug my nose as I walk through Spencer's open dorm room door.

"And how would you know what that smells like?" He ask and I laugh.

"Well, this is what I imagine it smells like." I admit.

We're both getting back from our eight o'clock class and we are supposed to be doing our homework before I go to my next class at eleven.

But I can tell by the way Spencer closes the blinds that we're not about to get much work done.

"We're supposed to be doing homework." I say seriously.

"I am. And the directions say to take your clothes off." He says playfully before kissing my neck and hitting the right spot.

I kiss him back before feeling this weird sensation in my stomach and pushing away to find his bathroom.

I throw up everything I had for breakfast and Spencer holds my hair.

"You okay?" He ask.

"I think it was those french toast sticks." I admit.

"I told you they weren't cooked." He says. "You feel better now?"

I will, once I get this nasty ass taste out of my mouth. I think to myself, before grabbing the toothbrush I leave at his place.

"How's my breath?" I blow it in his face and he's disgusted.

"That's nasty as hell." He tells me and I laugh.

"So is that the only thing I have to do to get you turned off?" I ask.

"Yes." He admits. "Plus, I have to go over these plays before the game."

"You know the plays. You've been with first string for a month now and everyone knows you're killing it." I tell him.

"But tomorrow is the real deal. I did well in preseason. Everything is amplified." He says and I massage his shoulders. "That helps."

"Spencer, you've been playing this game since you could walk. Tomorrow is just like every other game. You're going to do great." I say to him honestly.

He looks at me and tosses his playbook onto the night stand.

"C'mere!" He says in a creepy voice, making me laugh before kissing me until I fall in his bed.

We do what grown ups do for the next hour and then he falls fast asleep.

I just stare at him before taking my hand and brushing his waves gently before leaving him with a kiss.

As I walk out of his dorm, I see Liv and Jayda walking away from my door across the hall.

They turn when they hear Spencer's door shut. But to their surprise it's me with bed hair.

"Aye, we were about to go to Curlys and get some fries, you wanna come?" Liv ask nonchalantly.

I'm not sure if Liv knows me and Spencer are, pretty much, back together or not. But I'm sure seeing me come out of his room is not really that much of a surprise to her, knowing our deep history.

However, Jayda looks frazzled and caught off guard.

"I can't. I have class. I wish I could though, I've been craving fries since yesterday." I answer.

"I crave their fries daily." Liv replies and we all laugh.

"Maybe next time." Jayda adds. "And tell Britt we came looking for her too."

I watch them as they walk away. Jayda seems different over the past few weeks and I wonder if Liv notices anything, so I text Liv once I walk into my dorm room.

Me: Hey Liv, lets meet for dinner. I want to ask you something. Just the two of us.

Liv: Sure. 6 at the dining hall works for me.

I put away my phone after liking her last message and I hop in the shower to wash Spencer's beautiful and infectious scent off of me.

And before long, I was in my second class of the day. This is the class I have with Drake. I've chilled on him since Spencer made it very clear he doesn't like me interacting with him. And not that I can't have my own friends, but I can see why Spencer's teammate is off limits.

"You all will need to partner up and get your projects done for the semester." Our teacher says as he hands out a criteria sheet for the project.

By the time I get the paper, everyone is partnered up, except Drake.

"Guess it's you and me." He smiles before winking at me and I roll my eyes.

Looking around the room, I really have no other options. "And I don't care how much football you have, I'm not doing all the work."

He laughs and I roll my eyes again.

"Guess we should head to the library and pick a topic." He says as he follows me out the door and down to the library.

We sit at a table and he grabs snacks as we start to research for our project. I know it's early, but he's actually pulling his 215 muscled up weight, for right now.

"See, that's why we should do our project on the emergence of Google." He points to the screen at a plethora of facts and he might be on to something, making me eat my words.

"You swear you're so smart!" I joke and we laugh.

"What's up y'all?" Spencer scares me because I didn't see him standing there.

"Aye, what's up freshman?" Drake reaches for a handshake and Spencer gives him one.

They actually get along now, since they're both starters. And also since, I stopped entertaining Drake. So this might be a little awkward, but we're just working on a project. Nothing more. Nothing less.

"His name really isn't that hard to say. Why don't you use his name?" I ask Drake and he looks at me before laughing.

"It's a football thing. You wouldn't understand." He says before chuckling.

"Professor Cone assigned us a project. You want to help?" I ask Spencer and he shakes his head no before sitting down next to me.

"Nah, I'm knee deep in math shit with Professor Lacey's class." He admits.

"Ahh, dog that's the worse." Drake says enthusiastically. "She gives mad homework and her final is a beast."

"Surprisingly things turned around since your cousin's been helping me." Spencer responds.

I know he still works with Jayda every week, but I didn't realize Drake knew. And he seems cool with it. So maybe, this isn't going to be awkward at all.

"Yeah, she told me she's getting you right. We got to prove us football players ain't no dummies." Drake says proudly and I laugh.

"We'll see." I mumble before rolling my eyes.

"There she go." Drake says as he waves Jayda over.

"Has she been acting a little weird to you?" I whisper to Spencer, before she walks over.

"Nah, not to me. Why?" He whispers back and I just shrug because she's now standing right in front of us.

"Hey y'all." Jayda says to us awkwardly.

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